Dairy farmers to learn from the best of the best
Dairy farmers to learn from the best of the best
The Fonterra Dairy Excellence farm business of the year winners, Adrian and Pauline Ball of Tirau, will be sharing their skills with fellow farmers during a series of seminars throughout New Zealand over the next week.
"One of the key aims of the competition was to identify the great depth of knowledge that exists in our industry and share that knowledge with a wider pool of dairy farmers," says Project Manager David Jensen.
"These seminars provide an opportunity for others in the dairy industry to discuss and learn from the best of the best. The Balls were identified by the judges as the best in our industry, so presenting the occasion for others to discuss how they achieved this success is a great opportunity."
The competition is the educational platform from which Fonterra and Westpac assists in raising the standard of dairying within Fonterra.
"By giving others in the industry an opportunity to not only talk to the overall winners, but also the other category winners and various industry professionals, we are giving them a great incentive to take their dairying to the next level," says Mr Jensen.
Last month saw each of the regional business winners take part in a 10-day trip to Fonterra's South American operations and that trip will also be discussed at the seminars.
"Understanding how Fonterra adds brand value to their milk was the key focus for regional winners of the tour when they visit South America as part of a study tour last month and these seminars is an opportunity to also discuss the experience they had in such a different and exciting market," says Mr Jensen.
Additional speakers will discuss the contrast to US trends in on-farm productivity and how co-operatives are working together in the world dairy scene.
"We're looking forward to being able to share with other farmers our experience and offer any advice for the future," says Mr Ball
"The Dairy Excellence awards have shown us how good we can be and these seminars are our way of giving something back to the industry."
Seminar dates and times:
Monday, July 14 11.00am, Whangerai, Quality Hotel, Riverside Drive
Tuesday, July 15 11.00am, Hamilton, Gails, Tamihere 7.30pm, Rotorua, Quality Inn, Fenton Street
Thursday, July 17 11.00am, Palmerston North, Te Kawau Memorial Centre, Rongotea
Friday, July 18 11.00am, Ashburton, St Andrews
Sinclair Community Centre, Park Street