Synergy wins Le@rning Federation contract
Synergy wins Le@rning Federation contract for online maths and numeracy
Synergy International Ltd has landed a significant contract working on The Le@rning Federation’s Mathematics and Numeracy Project 2, which will see the company develop online curriculum content for schoolchildren in Australia and New Zealand. The Le@rning Federation is a multi-million dollar initiative of the State, Territory and Commonwealth governments of Australia and the government of New Zealand. The project is notable for its 'object'-oriented approach that allows content to be reassembled and re-purposed to suit the particular needs of teachers and students. Synergy is one of three development companies participating in the project - the other two companies are Australian-based. The exact value of the contract to Synergy has not yet been determined.
Chief Executive of Synergy, David Irving, said the win was another significant boost for the company’s web and multimedia team who last year won a TUANZ interactive award in the education section for a CD ROM produced with Learning Media for the Ministry of Education. The winning project – “The Game and Other Stories” aimed to help teenagers with reading difficulties improve their literacy.
The Le@rning
Federation said that one of the key reasons for choosing
Synergy was the company’s proven ability to provide high
quality, engaging work that showed an innovative use of
multimedia and technology to learning, supported by
excellent object oriented software design. They were also
impressed with Synergy’s project management and quality