Key Ports of Auckland projects take shape
Monday 11 April 2005
Key Ports of Auckland projects take shape
A trio of major infrastructure developments are changing the face of the Auckland port and ensuring it can cater to future growth in the Auckland economy.
The port company is investing over $60 million in a new container terminal reclamation extension (stage one) at Axis Fergusson, the deepening of the commercial shipping lane in the Rangitoto Channel and new refrigerated container facilities.
“The developments are vital initiatives in our strategy of providing superior service and having the necessary capacity and capability into the future to handle increases in import and export volumes,” says Sandy Gibson, Axis Intermodal General Manager. Axis Intermodal is Ports of Auckland’s container terminal operator.
Major milestone
in New Zealand’s largest port infrastructure project
deepening of the commercial shipping lane and the Axis
Fergusson container terminal reclamation extension reached a
major milestone this month.
150,000 cubic metres of
dredgings – mainly from the deepening of the commercial
shipping lane – has been mudcreted (mixed with cement) and
placed as environmentally friendly fill in the terminal
The Axis Fergusson container terminal, with its container capacity of 350,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent container unit), is being extended by 9.4 hectares to provide for the future container handling needs of Axis Intermodal’s shipping line customers. The initial six hectares (stage one) will provide an additional 120,000 TEU capacity when completed in 2006. The second half of the reclamation will be completed over a period of time using port maintenance dredgings.
The shipping lane deepening is required in order to widen the tidal window for larger containerships such as those now calling at the port and also to provide for the next generation of vessels expected in the future. This will enable these larger ships to call at almost all stages of the tide.
This major reclamation and dredging work follows the successful completion of initial work – the mechanical excavation of the hard Parnell grit rock from the commercial shipping lane. No blasting was necessary to complete this work, nor is it required for these works.
While the scale of this project is considerable, the construction and dredging activity is of a low intensity with minimal impact on recreational harbour users and port neighbours.
Fast Facts
When the shipping
lane deepening and stage one of the Axis Fergusson container
terminal extension are completed in 2006:
- Auckland will
have a terminal that can service the larger containerships
with ease.
- Auckland will cater for an additional
120,000 TEU
- Auckland will have the capacity to move
almost one million containers a year.
- Six hectares of
land will have been reclaimed.
- 40,000 cubic metres of
rock will have been used on the sea walls surrounding the
reclamation extension.
- A new 380-metre walkway and
viewing platforms on the eastern side of the new terminal
will be open to the public.
- 550,000 cubic metres will
have been dredged from the commercial shipping lane in the
Rangitoto Channel and around the commercial wharves.
The new shipping lane depth will be 12.5 metres at chart
datum (the lowest of low tides).
New refrigerated
container facilities to service export trade
Zealand’s export trade will benefit from a significant
refrigerated container (reefer) project just completed at
Axis Intermodal.
A reflection of the importance of the
refrigerated container sector to its business and the
cold-freight logistics chain, Axis Intermodal has invested
$4.5 million in the development of two purpose-built reefer
The new three-container high facilities are
exclusively serviced by Axis Intermodal’s remote reefer
monitoring system ‘Refcon’ which gives vastly more accurate
reefer monitoring and the opportunity to retrieve and use
that monitored data. Refcon was designed for the new
generation integral reefers with power cable modems.
Mr Gibson says: “In the new era where it is increasingly critical that the cold-chain integrity of sensitive products such as chilled lamb and beef is maintained, Refcon provides major benefits such as slashing the fault detection time.
“This is a major advance over a manual monitoring system where less frequent checks mean a fault could remain undetected for some time.
“The system has the potential to allow our shipping line customers from anywhere in the world to electronically monitor and adjust temperature settings on their reefer containers at the Axis Intermodal container terminals.”
The port of Auckland now has a total reefer capacity of almost 1,800 containers, with further capacity increases when the Axis Fergusson extension is completed.