Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Open Day Wednes May 11
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Open Day - Showcase of Kiwi
Wednesday May 11, 9am – 4pm
How does a washing machine manufacturer diversify into the seemingly unrelated area of specialist healthcare equipment?
Find out at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare’s Open Day. The open day includes tours and presentations on why FPH has become a world leader in its field. There is no charge, bu bookings are essential. Phone Simon Hall 574 0160.
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare’s (FPH) world leading technology has its origins in 1960s whiteware. Capitalising on the advanced electronics knowledge in F&Ps home appliance business in the late 1960s, the company diversified into the seemingly unrelated area of healthcare.
The past 35 years has seen Fisher & Paykel Healthcare become a world leader in the fields of respiratory humidification, obstructive sleep apnea, patient warning and neo natal systems, which are used in hospital intensive care departments.
A key part of FPH’s success is the company’s commitment to research & development. Approximately 20% of its New Zealand based workforce, including engineers, scientists and physiologists, are principally engaged in clinical research, and product and process development. The company is a major exporter and employer, with its products sold in over 90 countries.
The open day will be at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare's premises at 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, between 9.00am and 4.00pm.