Paul Newman Donates $10,000 to NZ Rare Disorders
Paul Newman Donates $10,000 to The New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders Trust
From Sales of His World Famous Salad Dressings
The New Zealand Organisation for Rare Disorders Trust is one of the fifteen New Zealand charities celebrating the ongoing generosity and support of legendary actor and philanthropist, Paul Newman.
Paul Newman gives all after tax profits from sales of Paul Newman’s Own salad dressings to charitable organisations, and this year, multi-faceted support organisation NZORD will receive $10,000 to enable them to go online with their support.
NZORD is made up of over 100 different support groups – up to 8% of the New Zealand population – who are affected by a rare disorder. Their major aim is to provide support for these people, to assist their support networks and to work for improvements in their care and treatment. Examples of rare disorder support groups that come under the NZORD umbrella include the Fragile X Support Group, the Rett Syndrome Association and the Narcolepsy Support Group.
Increasingly, the Internet has become a very important resource for people affected by rare disorders and their families, as it allows them to access information on the health and disablility conditions that affect them as well as remain in contact with other affected people for support. 53 of the support groups under the NZORD umbrella do not yet have websites of their own and the result is even greater isolation for them
Normally, website development for an individual group can cost up to $10,000 or more, however NZORD is able to assist these groups with highly cost-effective template websites at the cost of no more than $2000, and the grant of $10,000 will see websites created for those most in need.
“We really act as a support for the many support groups,” says Executive Director of NZORD, John Forman. “The money we have been granted will be used to help those who don’t have the money or the technical skills to create websites of their own. An Internet presence is essential for these people to reach others and share information about the condition.”
“We are absolutely thrilled with the grant we have received from Paul Newman, and it will definitely be put to very good use,” he concludes.
This year, Paul Newman has made cash grants to fifteen worthwhile charities of between $1,500 and $10,500 to the total of $100,000. Since 1982, when the actor launched his first range of salad dressings, more than $200 million has been distributed worldwide.
This is the 15th year Paul Newman has given grants to New Zealand charities bringing its total contribution in New Zealand to more than half a million dollars.
“We are very proud to be able to make this happen,” says Paul Newman’s Own spokesperson Jerry Rounds. “However, ultimate thanks must go to the New Zealand public for buying Paul Newman’s Own salad dressings - the more they support the brand, the more the Foundation can contribute back to the community.”
For further information on Newman’s Own Foundation, refer to