Enthusiastic staff save energy
31 March 2006
Enthusiastic staff save energy
Involving staff and rewarding them for good energy management behaviour is the key to realising significant energy savings, says Heather Staley, Chief Executive of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).
EECA has delivered a series of sell out staff awareness and motivation seminars throughout New Zealand this week.
'As we come into winter with lower than average hydro lake levels, it is timely for businesses to look at their energy use and ask how they can make the most of their energy spend.
'We know that many companies are held back from achieving their energy management goals by not knowing how to motivate their staff to save energy,' said Ms Staley.
EECA is encouraging businesses to learn from the examples of others that have successfully achieved this including Telecom, DB Breweries, CMP Canterbury and Carter Holt Harvey.
These businesses use innovative ways to involve staff such as salary bonus schemes, staff focus groups to identify energy wastage, volunteer environmental champions and competitions for the best energy saving ideas.
The seminars form part of EECA's Emprove programme, aimed at improving energy use in the business sector.
For a free copy of the accompanying staff awareness and motivation resource kit contact EECA on 04 470 2200 or info@eeca.govt.nz