Econet Challenges Vodafone to Review of Spectrum
1 June 2006
Media Statement
Econet Challenges
Vodafone to Independent Review of Spectrum Position
Econet Wireless New Zealand (Econet) has proposed independent analysis of Vodafone New Zealand’s spectrum ownership – at Econet’s expense. This comes after Vodafone’s GM Commercial Development once again, in last month’s Telecommunications Review, claimed “spectrum is tradable and easily available and is relatively cheap.”
“Nowhere else in the world does Vodafone have a monopoly on the GSM 900 spectrum. That spectrum is critical for delivering low cost rural services, and Vodafone’s monopoly ownership tips the playing field massively in favour of the incumbent,” says Tex Edwards, Econet’s Chief Project Director.
“First of all we challenge Vodafone to name a mobile market anywhere else in the world where one operator has all the 900 spectrum. Second, we challenge Vodafone to submit its spectrum position to independent review, in order test its claims about the market for spectrum and its view that “the regulatory environment is already skewed in favor of the new entrants”, says Edwards.

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