Gale Force Southerlies Fail To Deter Dyson
22 June, 2006
Gale Force Southerlies Fail
To Deter Dyson

Gale force southerlies couldn’t stop Minister of Labour Ruth Dyson and construction industry leaders Chris Olsen, Roading New Zealand, and Iris Clanachan, Site Safe, launching the New Zealand Construction Industry Health and Safety Strategy at Wellington Hospital today. Led by the CIC, it is the first industry-developed health and safety strategy specifically aimed at addressing New Zealand’s high injury rate on construction sites.
The new strategy complements the Department of Labour’s Workplace Health and Safety Strategy. “Construction is the third most dangerous industry in New Zealand,” said Ms Dyson. “In the year to June 2006 construction fatalities have risen to 12.
This work toll is an unacceptable cost, to the workers, to their families and to industry. The Construction Industry Health and Safety Strategy is vital to reducing this toll.”