Econet suggests TCF renamed Telecomms Cartel Forum
21 July 2006
Media Statement
Econet suggests TCF renamed Telecommunications Cartel Forum
Econet today expressed its disgust at the three and a half year delay the Telecommunications Carriers Forum (TCF) has taken to generate a workable industry co-location code. Despite the establishment of the TCF on the 26th August 2002, there is still no industry code agreed.
“It is interesting to note that the ‘Tier One’ members of the TCF are Telecom, Vodafone and TelstraClear - three organisations that have no vested interest in increased competition,” says Tex Edwards, Chief Project Direct, Econet.
“Despite three and a half years of meetings and a complaint by the telecommunications regulator in June 2005, no workable code exists. With regulatory threats still in existence, the TCF is now trying to rush finalisation of an unworkable code. Following three and half years of gibberish the co-location committee has still not considered pricing, and only recently has Telecom sought advice on whether pricing can be discussed.
“It’s a disgrace that the Internet community and Telecom are considering using the TCF as a vehicle to agree the unbundling formula of the incumbent monopolist, Telecom. The Internet community needs to understand how badly the TCF has served competitors to Telecom and Vodafone.
“Econet is urging the Commerce Commission to stop tolerating this monopolist hogwash and facilitate proper cell site co-location competition for the benefit of the New Zealand consumer.”