Anchor Vital is the Smart Choice
Press Release:
25 September 2006
Anchor Vital is the Smart Choice
As life gets busier and refined foods become a larger part of our diet, it is getting more difficult to make sure we get all the essential nutrients we need. Anchor Vital with Omega-3 is one way to improve the intake of your essential omegas.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 are important ‘building bricks’ of the brain, and are considered “essential” because they are not produced in the body, they must be obtained through diet.
Today, the average person is only consuming 100-200 mg of Omega 3, however the recommended intake is 1gram per day (FDA, AHA, BNF).
Omega 3 is classified as a long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA), which plays an important role in central nervous system development. They are derived most readily from oily fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and anchovies.
Omega 3 has been linked with a number of general health benefits, with one study showing enhanced learning and concentration in some children after taking Omega 3 supplements. (Oxford-Durham Study, AJ Richardson, P Montgomery, 2005; AJ Richardson, BK Puri, 2002:).
Encouraged by the results, and the need for further clinical research, those involved with the Oxford Durham Study are now seeking funding to carry out a large-scale school study in a rigorous randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
In the Omega 3 family two LCPUFA which play a role are; DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). As with many nutrients there are certain population groups who need to be even more conscious of their DHA intake, namely pregnant mothers and infants.
Higher levels of DHA status at birth have been shown to have a positive impact on visual acuity, movement and speed of visual information processing in 7 and 8 year olds.
Internationally, Omega 3 fortified foods have been enjoying a consumption boom as research, such as that outlined above, has linked Omega 3 fatty acids to human brain function and numerous other health benefits.
Anchor Vital provides consumers with a great tasting boost to their daily intake of Omega 3. It is the only Omega 3 enriched milk available in New Zealand, and has the added bonus of being 99% fat free and high in calcium.
Anchor Vital should be used in the same way as regular milk; served with cereal, used in white sauces and hot drinks or just in a long glass to keep your brain pumping all day.
Anchor Vital is now available in a brightly coloured tetra pack in the chiller at your local supermarket.