Chamber Welcomes Resumed Negotiations on WTO Round
Chamber Welcomes Resumed Negotiations on WTO Round
The Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce today congratulated Trade Minister Phil Goff on the work he has contributed to the progress achieved at Davos, progress which appears to allow a resumption of negotiations in the WTO Doha Round.
"While the hurdles remaining in the way of a negotiated outcome remain high, and the time left before the US negotiating authority expires is short, the Chamber is encouraged by the progress that has been made over the weekend", said Chamber CEO Charles Finny.
"The Chamber has been working with other Chambers internationally and with the Global Services Coalition to achieve this outcome. It is pleasing to see that Governments have taken good note of this pressure from the global business community.
"Agreement to resume formal negotiations is, of course, very different from reaching final agreement. Comments from Davos over the weekend have talked of new flexibility from the major players. This is going to be essential to achieve an outcome. Continuing strong political leadership is also going to be critical, particularly in the United States, where the negotiation of some form of extension to the Administration's negotiating authority looks increasingly necessary, if an outcome is to be achieved," Charles Finny continued.
"The Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce is particularly keen to see good liberalisation achieved in the services sector. Unfortunately the level of progress achieved in the negotiations on this sector was extremely limited when negotiations broke down last year.
"We look forward to working closely with the New Zealand Government to help reach the best possible outcome from these negotiations for New Zealand business. The Chamber will also be supporting the continuing lobbying efforts of the Global Services Coalition which resume in Geneva in February," Charles Finny concluded.