Gambling: Horse racing is an authorised purpose
Horse racing is an authorised purpose for grants from gaming machines profits
Recent attempts by the Problem Gambling Foundation to blacken the reputation of the charitable gaming sector by attacking grants to racing clubs are misguided, the Chairman of the Charity Gaming Association, Rt Hon Paul East said today.
“Racing clubs, like other community groups, are entitled to apply for grants in the same way as any other community group. In fact the DIA has specifically approved grants to racing clubs as an authorised purpose for grants of gaming machine profits.
“Racing has been part of the fabric of rural communities for many generations with thousands of New Zealanders involved at many levels of the sport. We estimate that less than 5% of all the money granted each year goes to racing clubs which is not disproportionate to the amount given to other worthwhile community groups.
“There is no justification for grant distribution to be handed over to faceless government officials – the dozens of community leaders who are currently involved in making the important decisions about how to fairly and equitably distribute a diminishing pool of grant money are doing an excellent job. Suggestions to the contrary by politicians are unfounded,”concluded Mr East.