E3p stands for energy efficiency enhancement
E3p stands for energy efficiency enhancement
The Minister of Energy, David Parker, was absolutely right when he told the House this week that Huntly e3p will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, says Genesis Energy Chief Executive Murray Jackson.
Once fully commissioned, e3p will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by one million tonne per annum that would otherwise have been emitted by the less efficient coal-burning Huntly Power Station. That amounts to around 10% of CO2 emissions from all power generation in New Zealand.
E3p stands for energy efficiency enhancement project. The 385MW combined cycle gas turbine, built by Mitsubishi Corporation, is the most efficient plant in the world for generating electricity from clean burning natural gas.
“Genesis Energy, one of New Zealand’s largest electricity generators and the largest energy retailer, is committed to minimising the carbon footprint of its electricity generation operations.
“We believe natural gas will enable a transition to lower CO2 emissions and should be central to all greenhouse gas policies. It produces about half the greenhouse emissions of coal-fired power generation and is the preferred source of new base load generation in most countries across the world. The major advantage of gas is its capacity to make a substantial difference to greenhouse emissions in the short term while other medium and longer term solutions are being explored,” said Mr Jackson.
Work on commissioning e3p is moving ahead at a good pace. The plant has been synchronised to the National Grid and is now producing electricity on a daily basis. The plant is undergoing a 90 day commissioning programme to be followed by a 30-day reliability test, after which the plant becomes a base-load supplier of electricity to the market.