AIAL recent share price increase
Auckland International Airport Limited (AIAL) notes that its share price has increased approximately 16 per cent over the last two weeks, compared with an increase in the NZX50 index of just under 1 per cent. AIAL also notes an article which appeared in the Saturday edition of the New Zealand Herald suggesting that a third party was looking to acquire a substantial shareholding in AIAL.
AIAL confirms that no offer or approach has been received by the company. AIAL will ensure that its shareholders and the market are kept fully informed in compliance with AIAL’s continuous disclosure obligations under the New Zealand and Australian stock exchange listing rules.
In the meantime, AIAL confirms that its current operating environment and outlook remains positive. This includes improving passenger growth rates, a number of aeronautical and commercial pricing resets which are expected to be concluded over the next three to six months and the completion of the current major projects around the middle of next year.