Next step for Glass Forum is glass crushing...
22 May, 2007
Next step for Glass Forum is glass crushing…
The Glass Packaging Forum is seeking partners to operate a mobile glass crusher to be based initially in the South Island for use by local councils and recycling operators.
John Webber, General Manager of the Glass Forum said that the move is the next logical step in its mission to find alternative uses for glass recovered from places distant from the main glass recycling market in Auckland:
“Over the past 12 months, we have funded a number of projects across New Zealand to develop alternative uses for recovered glass including its use in roading however many communities simply don’t have access to a crushing equipment. By purchasing a glass crusher and funding its operation, we will provide local communities with a crusher which they can share.”
“This is a win-win for everyone because the crushed glass can be used locally in roads, as glass mulch for wineries or in construction. The only thing moving around will be the crusher not the recovered glass which will be a major benefit for the environment. From talking to local councils and recycling operators, there is real demand for this service which we will test during a six month trial to start later this year.”
The Glass Forum is talking to recycling experts who are able to manage and operate the glass crusher and liaising with councils to develop a schedule.
In addition to the South Island scheme, approval has also been given to support the purchase and operation of a glass crusher by the Waste Resource Trust of Waiheke. Mr Webber said that this grant forms part of a research project to assess the benefits of managing glass recycling within a local community.
“Waikeke Trust approached us to fund their glass recycling research programme which is being run in conjunction with Auckland University. From our perspective it is an ideal way to gain insight into how a small island community can manage its own recycling crushed glass for use in its own roading and construction. This will provide significant information for communities not just in New Zealand but around the world.”
“We are really excited about both these initiatives – the mobile crusher will help address the problem of what to do with recovered glass on South Island whilst the Waiheke Island project will give us a detailed report on the environmental benefits of local community recycling through reduced energy and emissions. Both projects are designed to provide a local solution which minimizes transportation of recovered product.