‘Product evangelism’ alive and well among NZers
‘Product evangelism’ alive and well
among NZers
Leading international business writer Jackie Huba (US) says Kiwi brands as diverse as 42 Below, Icebreaker and BurgerFuel are joining the world’s elite because of the evangelical effect they are having on customers.
Fascinated by the power of customer endorsement, Ms Huba co-wrote the best–selling “Creating Customer Evangelists” – chronicling products or services that are so loved their adherents feel compelled to tell friends and families why.
“Evangelists are so passionate about a brand that they don’t just make passing referrals, they actually go out of their way to help recruit new customers, proactively provide feedback on ways to improve and defend the company to critics,” Ms Huba says.
“For some people, it's about being known as experts on specific categories of products. They feel good sharing their knowledge with others and enjoy people coming to them for advice.”
She said an example was the late Sir Peter Blake who wore the prototype Icebreaker during his record breaking round the world trip on Enza and was quoted as saying: “I wore it for 40 days and 40 nights and it didn’t even get whiffy.”
He later said “the fabric was superior in every way to anything I had ever worn before”.
Huba says BurgerFuel is achieving similar evangelism at a street level.
“The Bastard, Studnut Stilton and Combustion Vege are more buzz worthy than say, a Cheeseburger with Avocado. They’re so punchy, how could you not want to experience this product and tell people about it?”
Ms Huba says BurgerFuel’s VIBs – (Very Important Burger Connoisseurs) club is also a powerful means of communicating to their most loyal customers.
“Customers who willingly give out their contact information means this company can reach out to their most passionate fans on a regular basis.”
Ms Huba is in New Zealandwith The Knowledge Gym later this month and is talking in Christchurch, Auckland and Wellington.
Christchurch21 August- Convention Centre - Hall
Auckland22 August - Aotea Centre - Lower NZI
Wellington23 August - Duxton Hotel –
If you would like attend one of Jackie Huba’s seminars give The Knowledge Gym a call. See www.theknowledgegym.com for more information and to purchase tickets.