InternetNZ welcomes close scrutiny of Op Sep plan
InternetNZ welcomes close scrutiny of amended Op Sep plan
Media Release – 1 February 2008
InternetNZ (the Internet Society of New Zealand Inc) welcomes today’s announcement by Minister of Communications David Cunliffe that Telecom’s amended operational separation plan will be carefully scrutinized before being finalised.
InternetNZ Executive Director Keith Davidson says it’s pleasing to see the Minister has recognised there are outstanding issues that need repair, and that he is not ruling out rejecting the amended plan.
Davidson says the plan has significant gaps that need filling. Of particular concern is the lack of industry consultation on NGN (Next Generation Network) interconnection and the unmet requirement for disclosure of Telecom's fibre plans.
Also of concern are inadequate Chinese walls around planning of new services and policy making, and insufficient checks on the involvement of the CEO in the day-to-day business of the independent divisions.
“Significant changes are needed to meet the requirements of the Telecommunications Act and the Minister should not accept the plan in its current form,” says Davidson.
In January, InternetNZ filed a detailed submission on Telecom’s amended undertakings. A copy of the submission can be found at the link below: