Higher level of powersaving achieved
Media release
8 July 2008
Higher level of powersaving achieved
“National power savings increased to 4.6% for the week to Tuesday 8 July, compared to the same week last year, the highest in this winter’s campaign” said Dr Patrick Strange, convenor of the Winter Power Group and Chief Executive of Transpower. In other results to Tuesday 8 July, the upper North Island region saved 1.8% the central North Island region saved 3.3%, the lower North Island region saved 6.3%, the upper South Island saved 6.1% and the lower South Island region saved 6.6%.
“The recent cold snap has lifted electricity usage to its highest level in winter so far: total demand for power yesterday on 7 July was 125 gigawatt hours versus demand of 120 gigawatt hours on the same day a week ago, despite the savings, so continued savings are important. Just to show how important that is, overall, over the last week people and businesses (excluding major industries) have saved over $6 million worth of electricity."
“In terms of hydro storage, we are in a better position than three weeks ago and storage in the lakes is up to 61% compared to just 50% a month ago. However, we remain concerned about the South Island levels, with the controlled storage here at only 53% of average.
“Total savings in the campaign from combined efforts by residents and industry are over 6%, which is equal to the output of a large power station. The powersavers campaign has definitely helped the outlook, but more rain would still be very welcome."
Electricity usage for each region is being compared on a week to week basis, to results from the corresponding week in 2007. Adjustments have been made for temperature, demand growth, and other factors that need to be ‘normalised’ in order to provide a more accurate comparison.
The powersavers website (www.powersavers.co.nz) has a wide range of simple tips from turning off unnecessary lights through to having shorter showers and cooking in the microwave.
People can monitor the regional savings results every Tuesday and Friday at www.powersavers.co.nz .The website also updates on a daily basis such key data as lake storage levels, inflows, usage and peak demand, as well as providing a wealth of energy savings tips from experts and the general public.