Trade & Exchange site reaches 250,000 listings
Date 15 Sept 2008
Trade & Exchange site reaches 250,000 listings
For the first time, the Trade &
Exchange website,, has now reached the milestone of
a quarter of a million viewable listings. In terms of
listing numbers this is still less than Trade Me, but well
ahead of all other general New Zealand trading sites.
TE has always offered free listings to private parties, with no success fees, but in May 2007 it extended this offer also to businesses. “Growth in listing numbers has been strong ever since”, said Managing Director, Peter Whitmore, “and we expect this growth to continue”.
TE is a listing site and does not offer auctions. Whitmore said that he believes there is a solid place in the market for listings, as an alternative to auctions. “If say your fridge breaks down, with listings you can start immediately to locate possible replacements, go and look at the ones that appear most suitable and make a deal. You don’t have to wait for auctions to finish and you don’t have to buy based on just an online description and photo.”
The TE site was originally launched in 1988 and was an outgrowth of the Trade & Exchange papers. It is owned by Cabbage Tree Press Ltd, a privately held New Zealand company. Revenue to support the sites comes from various paid advertising options and related services.