Powers Needed For Community Patrols
Press Release: Greater Arrest And Detention Powers
Needed For Community
New Zealand Security
Officers Association
Tuesday 23 September 2008
Security Officers who conduct community crime prevention
patrols to fill
shortfalls of police numbers need greater
powers of arrest and detention
to effectively do the job,
The New Zealand Security Officers Association
Crime levels in South Auckland have prompted the
local council to put
together a proposal for private
security guards 24/7. The Manukau City
Council is looking
into proposals to deploy three teams of five
across the city on a 24 hour, seven day a week
Councillor Dick Quax told the Manakau Courier not
only is the region one
of the most under-resourced in
terms of police, a survey of locals has
shown a demand
for extra security measures. He says the proposal will
part of the council's long-term council community
plan, and will be up for
consultation early next year. He
says the council could divert money from
other places,
but it is also likely to involve a rates increase.
Spokesperson for the New Zealand Security Officers
Association said
today, “They (the Councils) really
need to have a look at other countries
using this concept
In Western Australia, councils employ security
guards who patrol the
communities in cars and on foot.
They have a number of powers, including
the power to
arrest offenders.
In the United Kingdom, the police employ
Police Community Support Officers
to patrol streets and
deter crime who have limited powers of arrest in
to those conferred to private citizens.
In South Africa
many towns and communities had council employed
guards to patrol and deter crime. Some cities in
South Africa have now
formed these security guards into a
Metro Police service, with full police
powers and
In an online survey carried out by the New
Zealand Security Officers
Association, Ninety–eight
percent of respondents believed security
officers should
have the power to detain anyone found committing
criminal offence.
Media Spokesperson Darryn Loveridge
said today, “Greater powers of arrest
and detention
other than those able to be used by a citizen, would go
long way in making us more effective when conducting
community crime
prevention patrols. In many cases we fall
short of clients expectations
because we do not have
these powers.”
The New Zealand Security Officers
Association has had a number of
complaints from security
officers who have felt they have been unable
effectively do their job. These include:
officer who encountered a youth tagging public property in
industrial estate who was wanted in relation to
hundreds of offences,
including some client’s property
patrolled by the officer. No action
could be taken, as
the officer did not have the power to arrest or
the suspect. The suspect was able to depart before
Police arrived.
-One officer noticed a youth tagging the
street signs. Was able to catch
him but had to let him go
as the suspect was not found on client property.
officer did not have the power to detain the suspect.
officer encountered four youths on a client’s property
with a
backpack full of laptops. The suspects refused to
provide details pursuant
to the Trespass Act 1980.
the officer had no powers of arrest or detention, the
suspects were
able to depart before the Police arrived.
It was later discovered that the
school next door had
been burgled and laptops had been taken.
-One security
officer was conducting a patrol when he found a
putting a car stereo in a pack. Several more car
stereos were discovered
in the pack. When the officer
challenged him he abused the officer, left
the pack and
ran. The stereos, it was discovered, were stolen from cars
the area. The officer could only watch the suspect run
off, as he had no
power to arrest or detain the
-One officer was conducting vehicle patrol when
he heard an alarm start
sounding. The officer pulled into
the property where the alarm was
sounding and found an
individual holding a petrol can. The officer
him and was verbally abused by the suspect, who then got
into a
vehicle and drove off. The premises had been
broken into and petrol poured
-One officer
found a trespasser with a motorbike. The suspect dumped
bike and denied knowing anything about it. He refused
to identify himself
but the officer had no legal power to
stop him from leaving. The bike had