Good news in industry training data
Good news in industry training data
24 April
The Industry Training Federation (ITF) has
welcomed the release this week of government data on
industry training.
Executive Director Jeremy Baker
said the Ministry of Education reports on Industry Training
and Modern Apprenticeships showed that completion rates for
trainees were comparable to those in equivalent polytechnic
courses despite some quirks in the system that work against
industry training.
“For example, when a trainee
leaves their job for another job, they are classified as a
‘non-completion’ even when they finish their
qualification in another workplace.
“We would
also expect that as industry trainees complete their
qualifications part-time, the completion rates would be
lower, but they still stack up really well.
are also heartened by the statistics showing that more than
two-thirds of trainees attained a substantial number of
industry relevant and portable skill
“While a full qualification is a great
goal for both an individual and the industry that they are
part of, individual credits towards that qualification
provide valuable learning outcomes which help upskill
Mr Baker said the Federation welcomed
the Government’s commitment to improving completion rates
and said ITOs were continually working towards
“These reports are from data
collected between 2001-2006. ITOs that were concerned
about their own completion rates during this period have
already started working with their industries to look at the
varied reasons behind this and work on ways in which they
can be improved,” Mr Baker said.
More than 35,000
businesses and 180,000 apprentices and trainees are involved
industry training every