``NZ Designer to make an Impression in Asia’’
12th May 2009
``NZ Designer to
make an Impression in Asia’’
Locus Research Principal, Timothy Allan, has been asked to speak at IMPRESSIONS, a symposium being held in Beijing and Shanghai at the end of May. The event is organised by Avery Dennison and Philips with the purpose of generating a knowledge sharing and networking platform between designers and engineers. Timothy’s invitation offers a great opportunity for sustainable design methods that have been developed in New Zealand to be introduced and discussed amongst key players in the manufacturing industry throughout Asia.
The target audience for the symposium is to be mechanical engineers and industrial designers, particularly those in the electronic equipment, PC & peripherals, and automotive industries; with a focus on sharing new market trends and technologies that have not yet been commercialised. Participants in the symposium include high profile companies such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Hewlett Packard, Dell, Flextronics, Ford, General Motors, and Volkswagen.
Timothy will be speaking on the topic ‘Life Cycle Thinking - A design mindset’, a subject he is well versed in after delivering the ideology as part of the Thinking Design series of workshops that were carried out in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch last year. The content covers the practical application of life cycle thinking to the design and manufacture of products by implementing a shift in thinking throughout the entire design process.
While travelling, Timothy intends to visit both Phillips in Hong Kong and Dell in Taipei while networking with some of the larger companies operating within Asia.
For the IMPRESSIONS programme please visit: http://www.locusresearch.com/events.html#03May09
Research: www.locusresearch.com
Avery Dennison: