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Environment Standards – what’s been happening?


9 October 2009

Environment Standards – what’s been happening?

Each month in Standards New Zealand’s electronic magazine, Touchstone, the ‘environment’ section includes information about the latest environment Standards and Standards in development, at

A summary of what’s been happening with environment Standards is included below, and covers a new video clip, an update on ISO environment work, an ISO sustainable world brochure, and an explanation of the greenhouse gas Standard.

Environmental management system Standards – video clip

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a video clip that shows what the ISO 14001 family of Standards for environmental management can do for your business. ISO 14001 – the world's environmental management system Standard, is a concise film introducing ISO 14001 and the worldwide impact of the Standard since it was launched in 1996. You can see the clip at

Environmental management systems Standards are available from Standards New Zealand at (enter ‘environmental management’ in the ‘search’ field), email, or call us on 0800 782 632.

Standards New Zealand members receive a 20% discount. For information on becoming a Standards New Zealand member call us now on 0800 735 656. You can also purchase an electronic copy and save an additional 10%.

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ISO environment work update

An update on new environment work of the ISO is available in the August 2009 Touchstone. The article includes updates about ISO work related to water footprinting, environmental management, bioenergy, carbon footprinting, greenhouse gases, and environmental labelling. Read the full story at

ISO sustainable world brochure

ISO has produced a brochure that provides a concise overview of how ISO’s technical programme, which has so far produced more than 17,400 international Standards, contributes to a sustainable world. How ISO’s technical programme and Standards contribute to a sustainable world is downloadable at

ISO Standards are available from Standards New Zealand, email, or call 0800 782 632. We provide a prompt service and can help with the research into which Standards you need.

Greenhouse gas – explaining the Standard

A recent article in Touchstone clarifies the relationship between the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) greenhouse gases Standard ISO 14064, and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol.

The GHG Protocol and ISO 14064 are not competing standards. ISO developed ISO 14064:2006 for the quantification, monitoring, reporting, and verification of project and entity level greenhouse gases (GHGs). ISO 14064 is intended to build upon, support, and take forward, the existing work of the GHG Protocol.

For more information, read the full article in the June issue of Touchstone at Order or download ISO 14064 from, click ‘ISO’ in the search area, keyword 14064, email, or call 0800 782 632.

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About Standards New Zealand

Standards New Zealand is the operating arm of the Standards Council, and part of New Zealand’s standards and conformance infrastructure. Standards New Zealand is an autonomous Crown entity responsible for managing the development and distribution of Standards across a range of sectors nationally.

Standards New Zealand is a self-funded, not-for-profit organisation, relying on revenue primarily from contracts with sponsors to develop Standards, and from sales of Standards publications. Our independence helps us facilitate a cross section of stakeholders’ contributions to the development of Standards, and ensure that each Standard meets the needs of end users.

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