Advertising Revenue over 2 billion dollars
Advertising Revenue over 2 billion
dollars in 2009
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) today reported that advertising revenue across all main media was 2.045 billion dollars for the 12 months ended 31 December 2009. The 2008 total was 2.317 billion dollars.
The turnover includes data from newspapers, television, radio, magazines, outdoor, cinema, addressed mail, unaddressed mail and interactive media.
The Advertising Standards Authority collects and publishes the annual advertising turnover statistics on behalf of the advertising industry.
The members of the ASA are:
Association of New Zealand Advertisers, Communication Agencies Association of New Zealand, Interactive Advertising Bureau, Letterbox Media, Magazine Publishers' Association (Inc), Newspaper Publishers' Association of New Zealand (Inc), New Zealand Cinema Advertising, New Zealand Community Newspapers Association, New Zealand Marketing Association (Inc), New Zealand Post, New Zealand Television Broadcasters’ Council, Outdoor Advertising Association of New Zealand, Pay TV Group and Radio Broadcasters’ Association (Inc).
(The full summary table and explanatory notes are attached and also available at