Low paid workers need redundancy protection
Low paid workers need redundancy protection, says SFWU
The Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota, which represents over 23,000 union members, is supporting the Redundancy Protection Bill which will have its first reading in Parliament tomorrow [Wednesday 5 May].
The bill, which has been introduced to Parliament by Labour MP Darien Fenton, calls for guaranteed minimum redundancy protection, which the union says would be of great benefit to all workers, but particularly those on low incomes, such as cleaning and catering workers.
“Workers employed by the Trans-National companies who provide cleaning and catering services for many of our central city buildings, airports, schools and even our Parliament are not entitled to redundancy compensation if their employer makes them redundant - except in limited circumstances. This bill represents the chance to put that right” says John Ryall, SFWU National Secretary.