Have money…..will take on the world, 77 Pieces at a time
(sticK - 26 Nov. 2010 ) 77 Pieces is a platform technology, that every potential investor who has looked at it reckons is a great idea and will be a great enterprise according to its founder.
The globally unique software, allows a 2-D pattern to be imaged as a moving 3-D item, be it clothing or an inflatable wing. Adjustments to the rendered image translate back to an altered pattern, and vice-versa.
There's nothing like it in the world says chief executive, Wellington-based American Sebastian Marino, applied mathematician and film industry animation expert.
The start-up company is now on the hunt for outside investment capital. Marino, who in an earlier life has been part of U.S.A-based CAD-oriented software start ups, says ideally the $1 million required will come in large part from his original homeland.
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