What to do if the ex won’t pay you child support
What to do if the ex won’t pay you child support
Going through a relationship break-up is hard enough without the added pressures of ex-partners who shirk their child support obligations – but what can you do about it? To start with, making sure your ex-partner is being assessed at the correct level – and to find that out, consider using the Inland Revenue Administrative Review process.
This free service involves an independent review officer who is contracted by Inland Revenue to consider the capacity of the paying parent.
The review officer will examine what the paying parent should be able to earn when compared to others with similar qualifications or experience – and, if that is found, may increase the amount of child support payable.
The next step is collection of child support debt. Inland Revenue will charge hefty penalties to encourage paying parents to meet their obligations on time, and discounts if the paying parent enters into a payment arrangement to repay overdue child support debt.
Often the paying parent sees the mounting debt and doesn’t know what to do – so end up doing nothing. Knowing penalties can be remitted by up to 10% by negotiation can sometimes be all it takes to encourage the paying parent to deal with it.
Failing that, talk to NZ Accounting – where other methods are employed to get child support debt sorted.
NZ Accounting provide advice on administrative reviews, offer child support attorney services, negotiate on behalf of both custodial and paying parents, and recover outstanding child support debt owing.
For further information or advice contact the Principal, Michael Fresnel, NZ Accounting for a free assessment.