Fresh Ideas for the Productive Economy - Parlt. 27th July
Fresh Ideas for the Productive Economy – The Search for Solutions
Media Release
Monday, July
New Zealand’s leading business commentators, economic analysts, innovators and entrepreneurs will be key contributors to a NZ Fabian Society seminar "Fresh Ideas for the Productive Economy – The Search for Solutions" to be staged in the Legislative Chamber of Parliament on Wednesday 27 July.
The Fabian Society has organised the seminar to provide a forum for discussion of ideas on how we as a nation can improve our productivity and our long-term economic prospects. Metiria Turei MP and Grant Robertson MP are the sponsoring MPs and all political parties have been offered the chance to speak to the topic.
Speakers confirmed from outside Parliament include Selwyn Pellett, of the Productive Economy Council; June McCabe, of Sustainable Prosperity and a member of the Maori Economic Taskforce; Rick Boven, of the New Zealand Institute; Bernard Hickey, of; Gareth Morgan, of Gareth Morgan Investments; John Walley, of the Manufacturers and Exporters Association; Geoff Bertram, of the Institute of Policy Studies; and Rhema Vaithianathan, an economist from Auckland University.
The seminar will be facilitated by Finlay MacDonald and is sponsored by
Admission to the seminar is by invitation only. Persons wishing to receive an invitation should log their interest on the Fabians website at .
For further information contact Mike Smith, Chair NZ Fabian Society, 021-222-2047