Improving International Air Service Agreements
Improving International Air Service Agreements
NZ Airports welcomes the announcement from Associate Transport Minister, Nathan Guy, to negotiate new and improved air services agreements with countries in East Asia and South America. Airlines are not able to fly to or from New Zealand to other countries without having inter-government air service agreements in place. Those agreements often restrict the number of flights that can be made and can create barriers to growth in trade and tourism. “Expanded air connectivity to our major trading partners is critical to the New Zealand economy” said NZ Airports Chairman Steven Fitzgerald.
New Zealand’s airports have been playing an increasingly active role in bringing new carriers to New Zealand and increasing capacity and connections. The system of limiting air services between countries dates back to the 1950’s. Mr Fitzgerald said airlines cannot provide more services until the Government improves air service agreements and agree on additional capacity. “We work hard to develop and increase new air routes in an environment of strong competition from other countries to attract capacity growth. New Zealand needs to have a leading air services policy and clear processes in order to realise the trade and tourism growth opportunities that exist.”
the NZ Airports Association (NZ Airports)
NZ Airports
is the industry association for New Zealand’s airports and
related businesses. It is a not-for-profit organisation
whose members operate 31 airports that span the country and
enable the essential air transport links between each region
of New Zealand and between New Zealand and the world.
Air services are the lifeblood of New Zealand tourism and trade, and airports play a major role in developing and strengthening those air services. While airlines and air services may come and go, airports are at the heart of their communities and regional economies for the long term. Airports make a vital contribution to healthy and vibrant communities by connecting businesses, families and friends, and make full participation in many sporting and cultural events possible.
NZ Airports purpose is
• facilitate co-operation, mutual assistance,
information exchange and educational opportunities for
• promote and advise Members on legislation,
regulation and associated matters;
• provide timely
information and analysis of all New Zealand and relevant
international aviation developments and
• provide a forum for discussion and decision
on matters affecting the ownership and operation of airports
and the aviation industry;
• disseminate advice in
relation to the operation and maintenance of airport
• act as an advocate for airports and safe
efficient aviation