International Standards Meeting to be held in NZ
For Immediate Release
13 September
International Standards Meeting for Cosmetics to be held in New Zealand
The Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA) are pleased to announce today that it would be hosting the ISO (International Standards Organisation) TC217 meetings for cosmetic standards.
Executive Director Garth Wyllie said "the CTFA was happy to be able to host these important meetings in Auckland in conjunction with Standards New Zealand". He said "the meetings focused on the safety of cosmetics, cosmetic production and international best practices."
The ISO had already completed crucial standards for Good Manufacturing Practice, Microbiological Testing and Labelling which have become the benchmarks for many countries already including the US and Europe.
The ISO meetings will have up to international 80 experts attending and are looking to complete several sunscreen test standards including critical components to be used within the joint Australian New Zealand Sunscreen Standard revision which is also due for completion this year.
Other standards being developed through these meetings include technical definitions and criteria for Natural and Organic ingredients and products, the presence of heavy metals in cosmetics and nano-technology use.
Mr Wyllie said "these meetings ensure that cosmetics continue to be among the safest products available in the market and demonstrate the high value that safety is given by the industry and regulators through the level of voluntary commitment in attending and participating in these meetings"
"We set down standards through these meetings based on the best expertise available and many countries accept these standards, either directly through recognition or indirectly through adoption of the key components, within their own national standards", he said.
This means that a cosmetic product made for the US, EU, Australia and many parts of Asia has an assurance of safety when these standards are used. New Zealand through its cosmetic group standard adopts the EU regulations in a large part and recognises labelling from the US, EU and Australia as complying with our requirements.
In a truly global market like cosmetics, it is important that New Zealand manufacturers and exporters are able to have confidence in adopting standards that will be accepted internationally to ensure their products can be sold in our key markets as well as in New Zealand. It is equally important we have confidence in the absolute safety of cosmetics sold in New Zealand. The ISO process allows this to occur.
Mr Wyllie recognised that member companies had contributed strongly to getting this event held in New Zealand along with considerable funding from the wider New Zealand cosmetics industry itself.
The meetings will be held from 14 to 18 November at the Stamford Hotel in Auckland and is the first time such a meeting has been held in New Zealand for cosmetics.