Eggs: EPP Responds to SAFE
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Statement by Michael Guthrie, Chair of the Egg Producers Federation (EPF)
In response to statement today by SAFE and the RNZSPCA
The colony system is a widely accepted and internationally established egg farming method, being adopted in Western European countries and trialled successfully in New Zealand.
Colony enclosures provide critical improvements over conventional cages, allowing hens to engage in more natural behaviours. Colonies allow birds to nest, perch and scratch. They can also stand erect and spread their wings.
The new system has the great advantage of maintaining the affordability of eggs and therefore their vital position in the New Zealand diet. As a low-cost source of protein their importance is becoming greater in an environment of increasing staple food prices.
The additional advantage is that egg farmers are able to use this modern technique to ensure high standards of hygiene and bird health.