Adam Feeley Conduct- Chief Executive of Serious Fraud Office
11 October 2011
Urgent attention please
President Criminal Bar Association
Judith Collins,
Minister of Police
Hon Christopher
Attorney General
Dear Sir's / Madam,
Recently we were made aware that at the December 2010 Serious Fraud Office Xmas Party, Adam Feeley as Chief Executive of the SFO, purchased books to give out as ‘investigation booby prize’ awards at the function.
The ‘booby prize’ books purchased by Feeley were ‘Allan Hubbard –A Man Out of Time’ by Virginia Green.
That Feeley deliberately chose this book to give out as investigator’s ‘booby prizes’ shows a complete lack of professional conduct, which is even more appalling and disgraceful that it occurred while the SFO was still in the middle of conducting a Serious Fraud investigation into the affairs of Allan Hubbard. The investigation was not concluded for a further six months.
Feeley’s conduct in purchasing this book and awarding it as investigators ‘booby prize’, while the SFO investigation was ongoing, shows he held a deep seated attitude and underlying contempt towards Allan Hubbard.
We believe the investigation by the SFO into the affairs of Allan Hubbard was biased and tainted from the beginning, and Feeley’s actions at the SFO Xmas party further confirm this.
While the charges made against Allan Hubbard, no longer stand, we believe due to the biased conduct of the head of the SFO, Adam Feeley, and the lack of integrity he has showed towards Allan Hubbard, the investigation should be declared null and void, and a full apology should be given to the Hubbard family.
Adam Feeley has showed a complete lack of integrity for the position that he holds, and we hereby believe after the ‘booby prize’ incident, and also his recent conduct with the Bridgecorp Wine affair, he is no longer fit to hold any position within the SFO if it is to maintain any credibility in the future.
It is our belief that Feeley should be dismissed for improper conduct immediately.
Yours faithfully,
Investors and
Stand by Hubbard