Bottled water is a Corporate Risk
Bottled water is a Corporate Risk
The International Council of Bottled Water Associations (ICBWA) is a membership organisation created to represent the bottled water industry worldwide.
The Australasian division (ABWI) runs the only certification programme in Australasia on its behalf. It is based on strict annual independent bottling plant audits, which ensure regular daily testing and batching of water production, prior to delivery to customers. The certification programme is acceptable to international regulatory agencies such as the World Health Organisation.
Members who comply with the
ABWI standards in New Zealand are:
Frucor Beverages
New Zealand Quality
Just Water International
In New Zealand, several large bottled water suppliers do not satisfy the ABWI standards.
Companies using non certified water coolers to provide drinking water are taking a severe corporate risk in doing so, and risking the credibility of the industry. Directors of companies, who knowingly permit their staff to drink from non-certified water coolers could face personal liability, should their staff become ill from contaminated water.
Just Water International is the recognised industry leader in providing drinking-water and filtration systems for the workplace and at home.