Hub9 launches CloudSearch: big data no longer a big problem
Hub9 launches CloudSearch: New service means big data is no longer a big problem
Auckland, 12th December 2011 - ecentre company Hub9 has just launched its first product. Hub9 provides services that enable customers to handle big data efficiently and effectively, the first of these is CloudSearch.
CloudSearch provides fast hosted search for your website. This is in the beta stage, which means Hub9 has an idea about the offering that would add value to its customers, but wants to learn as much as it can in order to evolve the product quickly.
Hub9 is passionate about what it does, creating a fast and simple way of searching across vast amounts of documents. Hub9 helps to make light work of big data by giving people the infrastructure that makes sense of increasingly complex data and search requirements that unlock business opportunities and solve business problems.
IBM states that in any given day, the world produces “2.5 quintillion bytes of data–so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone.” With so much data, slow websites are an increasing problem for many organizations.
The story of Hub9 began when Enrico de Klerk , Hub9 CEO, was surfing the web and couldn’t believe how slow it was for the website’s search engine to find what he was looking for. His interest in big data search was born. He expanded his interest by doing a PhD at Massey University in Computer Science and in 2009 won the Go, Innovate! Business Idea Competition which secured him a space in the ecentreSprint programme. ecentreSprint is ecentre’s market validation programme which gives entrepreneurs the tools to take their ideas from garage to global.
Hub9 was founded by people who love the challenge, complexity and poetry of big data. Our philosophy is to leverage the smartest and most talented minds in solving the most challenging of current and emerging big data problems. We create solutions for our customers that are powerful, simple, and intuitive and focused on solving real world business problems. We aspire to be the people that you look to when challenged by big data issues.
About ecentre:
ecentre is the business innovation centre located in the Bob Tindall Building at Massey University, Albany. We specialise in helping people take their ideas from Garage to Global. ecentre’s vision is to help people with innovative ideas to create successful global companies. ecentre assists innovative businesses to grow the New Zealand economy through: customer knowledge and focus, inspired & strategic thinking, international networks and contacts, extensive business experience and Massey University innovation.