Roy Morgan State of the NationReport 4: Ownership of most technological products in New Zealand still on the rise
New Zealanders’ ownership of technological products such as Plasma/LCD televisions, 3G mobile phones and iPods, continues to grow. However other products such as digital cameras and personal computers have slowed or are now in decline.
According to the New Zealand Roy Morgan State of the Nation Report 4, Plasma/LCD televisions have experienced solid growth in the past decade, from 3% of the population in 2004, to 55% in 2011. iPod ownership has also grown, albeit at a more gradual rate, from 2% in 2004 to 35% in 2011.
Digital camera (valued over $150) ownership has experienced the most variable trend over the past decade, going from 5% of the population (14+) in 2001 to a peak of 70% in January 2010, but has now fallen back to 66% in December 2011 as more and more New Zealanders have phones with good cameras.
New Entertainment Technology Adoption

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Source: Roy Morgan Research Single Source, Jan 11 – Dec 11, n = 12,023.
In 2001, 67% of the New Zealand population (14+) owned a personal computer; this figure is now at 88% and has generally remained around this level for the past four years.
VoIP users/likely users have grown from 18% of the population in 2006 to 41% in 2011. Ownership of a 3G mobile phone has also grown at a similar rate, increasing from 1% in 2005 to 22% in 2011.
New Communication
Technology Adoption

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Source: Roy Morgan Research Single Source, Jan 11 – Dec 11, n = 12,023.
This technology data stems from Roy Morgan’s ongoing nationwide Single Source survey which interviewed over 12,000 New Zealanders aged 14+ in the 12 months to December 2011.
Pip Elliott, Client Services Director, Roy
Morgan Research, says:
“Ownership of digital cameras worth over $150 experienced rapid growth between 2003 and 2007. However this is now in decline and is likely due to competition from cheaper models and also smart phones with built in cameras of increasing quality. The high proportion of New Zealanders who own a personal computer is linked with the increasing popularity – arguably necessity – of having an internet connection.
“We often think of technology as an ‘enabler’ - something that enables us to buy, seek information and communicate online – and this data reminds us that New Zealanders continue to spend money on technology which is a growing area of discretionary spending.”
Roy Morgan’s New Zealand State of the Nation Report 4
: As well as the standard features of this quarterly report
which include a look into the trends of New Zealand society,
this edition provides a comprehensive spotlight section on
the ‘B usiness Outlook for New Zealand 2012.’
Roy Morgan’s latest detailed Telecommunication and Technology Profiles include in-depth profiles on users of various computers, internet and mobile service providers, internet connections, Pay TV and many more.
About Roy Morgan Research
Roy Morgan
Research is Australia’s best known and longest established
market research and public opinion survey company. Roy
Morgan Single Source is thorough, accurate, and provides
comprehensive, directly applicable information about current
and future customers. It is unique in that it directs all
the questions to each individual from a base survey sample
of around 55,000 interviews in Australia and 15,000
interviews in New Zealand annually - the largest Single
Source databases in the world. The questions asked relate to
lifestyle and attitudes, media consumption habits (including
TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, cinema, catalogues, pay TV
and the Internet), brand and product usage, purchase
intentions, retail visitations, service provider
preferences, financial information and recreation and
leisure activities. This lead product is supported by a
nationally networked, consultancy-orient ated market
research capability.
release and supporting media files are available here