Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track Gains Enviro Gold Award
30 March 2012
Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track Gains Enviro Gold Award
The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track is delighted to announce that it has been awarded the Enviro Gold Award by Qualmark, recognising its high standards in environmental practices.
To earn tourism’s top official environmental award, the Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track has had to demonstrate excellence in energy efficiency, waste management and water conservation, with community activities and conservation initiatives also considered under Qualmark’s environmental criteria. The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track is only one of two Visitor Activities in Southland and Fiordland to have gained Enviro Gold.
Kate Hebblethwaite, Operations Manager, said “we are delighted at this recognition of our environmental efforts and commitment to sustainable practises across the organisation.”
“Everything we do on the track has sustainability at its core - from the dishwashing liquid that we use, to our new stoat trapping project, to the proposed wind turbine at Okaka Lodge.”
The Enviro Award sits alongside the Qualmark Endorsement system for tourism businesses, with all Qualmark licence holders undergoing strict criteria assessments to ensure the quality of their service meets Qualmark’s exacting standards.
“Every Qualmark licence holder is expected to adhere to basic Responsible Tourism practices”, says Qualmark General Manager, Tim Keeling, “but to attain a Qualmark Enviro award, a business must show extra commitment to caring for their environment and their local community.”
“For each step up the Enviro ladder, from Bronze to Silver then Gold, more is demanded of the business. The Enviro criteria is strict and the assessments rigorous and demanding. We applaud every Qualmark licence holder who takes up the challenge to support sustainable tourism practices and good environmental management, through the Enviro awards”.
The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track is a Charitable Organisation and community initiative. Future profits made from the track will be returned to the Tuatapere community to help fund local projects.
For any further information on any of the above, please visit www.humpridgetrack.co.nz