Department Of Labour and Datacom Finalise IGMS Contract
25 May 2012
Department Of Labour and Datacom Finalise IGMS Contract
The Department of Labour and Datacom Systems (Wellington) Ltd have completed contract negotiations on Immigration New Zealand’s (INZ) new IT system.
The two parties have just signed the Prime Contractor Agreement in Wellington.
The Immigration Global Management System (IGMS) will provide an agile system that enables more online processing and automation of simple tasks for clients and employers. It will also provide biometric capability which offers significant improvement in identity management and enhanced security.
IGMS replaces a system which is over 15 years old and is reaching the end of its technological lifespan.
The head of the IGMS Project, Stephen Dunstan, says the type of technology solution Datacom is delivering will enable INZ to contribute to New Zealand’s economic growth with up-to-date capability. “This will help ensure New Zealand remains competitive for tourists, international students and highly skilled workers,” he says.
As the IGMS Prime Contractor, Datacom is responsible for the provision, integration, implementation and on-going support of the technology for IGMS.
Datacom’s Chief Executive, Alastair Turrell says the company is “both privileged and delighted” to have won the IGMS contract.
“IGMS is a system with demonstrable links to improving New Zealand’s economic performance so being a part of achieving that outcome is a great challenge and opportunity for our Kiwi firm,” Mr Turrell says.
Mr Turrell says that over the past 15 to 20 years Datacom has built increasingly significant technology systems for the Crown, now covering almost all areas of the Government technology landscape and are pleased to be building on that.
“We’re able to bring a unique, New Zealand Government-specific level of knowledge and experience in working with the Department’s team as Prime Contractor.”
“We are totally committed to delivering the IGMS platform in support of the Department’s business improvement goals," Mr Turrell concluded.
Implementation of IGMS began earlier this year and will be completed by 2015.