Wellington to benefit from three years of KiwiSport Funding
Wellington Region to benefit from another three years of KiwiSport Funding
Sport Wellington received confirmation that it will receive another three years of KiwiSport funding after having its 2012-15 KiwiSport Regional Partnership Plan approved by Sport New Zealand. KiwiSport is a government funding initiative administered by Sport Wellington on behalf of Sport New Zealand with the aim to promote sport for school-aged children.
KiwiSport programmes, funded through Sport Wellington, are having a significant impact on the region and on the number of school-aged children participating in sport. Over 97,000 school aged children have had the opportunity to participate in sporting opportunities like surfing, archery, basketball, ripper rugby, sailing and many more thanks to KiwiSport.
KiwiSport Manager Peter Woodman-Aldridge said “it’s fantastic to see so many children actively engaged in new sporting opportunities. All of the programmes provide a fun learning environment where kids are able to develop key fundamental movement skills which are essential throughout life. One of the highlights is that 98% (48 of 49) of secondary schools and 86% (166 of 199) of primary schools have participated in one or more KiwiSport funded programmes. Our aim is to reach 100% for both across our region.”
Sport Wellington provides two types of funding streams; the Non-Contestable Fund (funding pre-allocated to priorities outlined in the plan) and the Contestable Fund (a community centred on-line application fund). Sport Wellington will look to invest in organisations with programmes or projects that demonstrate a strong focus on more kids playing sport in or out of the school setting. Sports, clubs and community sporting organisations are encouraged to apply for funding via the contestable fund, with a focus on providing new or expanded sporting opportunities for school-aged children.
Woodman-Aldridge, continues ‘‘we are delighted and excited with the opportunity to continue to offer KiwiSport funding for the next three years. We are looking forward to growing and promoting KiwiSport even further by building on the partnerships with schools, communities and sporting organisations’’.
For more information on KiwiSport funding and the programmes they have invested in please go to sportwellington.org.nz/kiwiSport