List Sell Trade Press Release 5-10-12
List Sell Trade Press Release 5-10-12
As you may be aware, List Sell Trade brought its launch forward this week. We’ve since received an overwhelming response and thousands of products have been sent in by new users through .csv files for bulk upload. In order to ensure these products are available at the full launch, we will be loading these products onto the website throughout today and the weekend.
This means that our full launch will now take place on Monday 8th October 2012.
Currently registered users with existing auction listings may wish to log-in edit the closing times of their existing listings in order to reflect the new date.
We appreciate the public’s patience and look forward to commencing trading on Monday.
Online retailers who have their product database in the form of a .csv file can email it to us via - we will load all the product information in the file onto the website at no charge.
Registration and listing are still open, so we encourage users to continue to register and begin listing in preparation for full launch on Monday.