Heavy Trucks Improve Safety Record Leading Into Christmas
Heavy Trucks Improve Safety Record Leading Into Christmas.
While being accident free must be the target the heavy truck industry has every right to be proud of their improving accident record leading into the busiest time of the year on our nation’s roads.
Recently released figures from the Ministry of Transport show accidents involving heavy motor vehicle (over 3.5 tonne) in New Zealand decreased by 35 percent for the year ending 30 September 2012 compared with the previous 12 months. Fatal crashes were down from 55 to 43, injury crashes from 155 to 98 and reported non injury crashes reduced from 120 to 75.
This is a continuation of the work carried out by individual transport operators focussing on driver training and operational safety and a decrease of which they can justifiably be proud said David Aitken CEO of National Road Carriers Inc. Transport organisations have worked closely with enforcement agencies and officials to lift the industries performance in the area of road safety and road transport operators have responded said David. Accident rates for trucks have been steadily decreasing and current annual fatalities are less than half of those recorded at the turn of the century (97 in 1999) despite many more kilometres being travelled and increasing tonnages being moved.
The industry however is aware that there is no room for complacency and is continually targeting further accident reduction by increasing the focus on vehicle safety through training, vehicle selection and the monitoring of driver performance.
The move to heavier trucks will also assist in the industry drive toward greater safety on the highway. This move will mean fewer trucks will be needed to meet the freight task but these heavier trucks will come from an upgraded fleet and will have all the latest safety features including electronic braking systems, improved suspension and stability control along with vehicle telemetry management and monitoring systems.
The road transport industry is serious about the role they play and will continue their work toward reducing the road toll to as close to zero accidents as possible. We want all of our drivers and other road users at home celebrating Christmas with their families said David.