The Potential Impact of KiwiSaver on the NZ Capital Market
Infometrics Report - for Financial Services Council
The Potential Impact of
on the New Zealand Capital
Embargoed until 9am, January 3, 2013
Prepared by Infometrics Ltd
December 2012
Table of Contents
Summary 1
1. Retirement Saving 3
2. A larger
Pool of Domestic Savings 7
3. The National Rate of
Saving and Investment 13
4. Economic Profile of the
Financial Services Industry 16
Appendix A: KiwiSaver
Investments 18
report has been prepared by Dr Adolf Stroombergen and was
independently peer reviewed by John Savage.
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A Save as You Go
(SAYGO) retirement savings scheme such as KiwiSaver can
produce a number of beneficial economic effects. The main
findings drawn out in this paper are summarised
1. From evidence to date it seems that KiwiSaver
has had a net positive impact on the household saving rate.
The extent to which it has raised the total national rate of
saving is as yet unclear.
2. However, the rate of national saving is not the key issue. More important is the effect on the accumulated stock of national savings. Evidence from Australia suggests that a pool of retirement savings raises the quality of investment by steering more of it into new physical capital which increases the productive capacity of the economy, as opposed to the purchase of existing assets such as real estate (which has been the tendency amongst New Zealanders).
3. Evidence from actual investment by KiwiSaver providers suggests that the long term commitment of KiwiSaver savings is enabling funds to invest in fast growing and unlisted companies that have the potential to raise exports and employment. With the growth of KiwiSaver contributions the potential for such activity, including establishing major international businesses from a New Zealand base, will be even greater.
4. KiwiSaver balances can be used for a deposit on a first home. In just the first few years of availability during 2012 an estimated 10,000 New Zealanders used KiwiSaver balances to make a deposit on some $3 billion worth of homes.
5. The FSC has modelled an enlarged KiwiSaver scheme, labelled Option B, in which new members start with a total (employer plus employee) contribution rate of 1% in 2015, rising by 1 percentage point per annum to reach 10% by 2024. Existing KiwiSaver members remain on their current contribution rate until the rate for new members reaches their rate, at which point they move on to the contribution rate path for new members. Coverage for employees is universal, with some exemptions. An alternative Option A is also modelled in which coverage remains as it currently is (about 50% of employees) but the contribution rate rises as in Option B
6. Under Option B Funds Under Management would reach over $700 billion by 2066. KiwiSaver providers who are members of FSC expect that this would inject an extra $52 billion into the New Zealand stock market, compared to carrying on KiwiSaver with its current level of contributions and coverage. Absent any other changes the size of the stock market as a percentage of GDP would rise by over 8 percentage points, compared to its current 30-40%.
7. A deeper domestic capital market also enhances the resilience of the economy to adverse shocks such as the Global Financial Crisis, as the savings continue to flow into investment despite the short term movement in share prices. It would also counter the decline in savings that might eventuate later this century as population aging results in a growing cohort of retirees draw down their savings.
8. Furthermore, due to a home country bias (investors wanting higher returns to invest outside their home country), the cost of capital to New Zealand can be expected to be somewhat lower if there was a larger pool of domestic savings.
9. The financial services industry currently employs almost 60,000 people and is able to pay above average wages because it adds more value per employee than most industries in the economy. Employment would likely grow with greater KiwiSaver coverage and higher contribution rates.
10. By increasing the capital
available for each worker it would be expected that a deeper
domestic capital market brought about by KiwiSaver would
help increase labour productivity and wage
New Zealand’s
KiwiSaver, begun in 2007, is a Save as
You Go (SAYGO) retirement savings scheme. Under a SAYGO
scheme savings are accumulated during an individual’s
years in paid employment and then paid out in retirement.
In contrast, under a Pay as You Go (PAYGO) scheme like New
Zealand Superannuation retirees receive a pension from the
government that is paid by taxing the earnings of (younger)
employed people.
KiwiSaver is a voluntary retirement
saving scheme. New members receive a $1,000 kick-start and
all members who contribute at least $1043 per annum receive
an annual member tax credit paid by the Government.
Contributions to KiwiSaver are deducted from wage and
salary earnings at a rate of either 2%, 4% or 8% (selected
by the individual). Employers must contribute an additional
minimum 2% of earnings. This will rise to 3% along with a
3% minimum for employees from 1 April 2013.
some two million New Zealanders have enrolled in KiwiSaver,
but some of these accounts are currently suspended and
contributions are not being made into them.
Most people
currently contribute at the 2% or 4% rate, with another 2%
being provided by the employer. The average total
contribution rate is about 5% which is well below the level
needed to fund a comfortable retirement in the absence of
other income. A contribution rate of around 10% would
deliver on average, an extra $300 per week in retirement
over and above New Zealand Superannuation.
schemes are managed by private sector companies, between
which individuals may choose. If no deliberate choice is
made an individual is randomly allocated to one of six
default providers.
KiwiSaver savings are inaccessible
until the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation
(currently 65), although earlier withdrawal of funds may
occur in cases of permanent emigration, severe financial
hardship, serious illness or for the purchase of a first
Figure 1 shows estimated average KiwiSaver
balances by age and sex, based on the data of three FSC
members that operate KiwiSaver funds. Thus the data may not
be representative and should therefore be seen as
Figure 1: Average
KiwiSaver Balances 2012
Contribution Rates
The average KiwiSaver total
(employee plus employer) contribution rate in 2011/12 was
5.2% of earnings. This is likely to rise when the minimum
contribution rate is lifted to 6% (3+3) in 2013. As shown
in Table 1, even at 6% the rate is well below other
countries that have ‘Tier 3’ (personal saving and
investment plans) universal saving schemes.
Table 1: Pension Contribution
Contribution Rate
Australia 9% (rising
Denmark 11%
Ireland 15%
USA 12%
Germany 20%
Singapore 28%*
Zealand** voluntary 6% from 2013
* Includes health care
** Contributions are not compulsory. Minimum
voluntary contributions will rise to 6% (3+3) in
Source: Financial Services Council (2012)
Pensions for the Twenty First Century.
Expressed as
a proportion of GDP the 5.2% corresponds to about 3.1% –
for those contributing. However, with a take-up rate of
around 50% of those eligible the average national
contribution rate is less than 1.5% of GDP.
Table 2 shows
a somewhat higher figure (2.3%) for New Zealand as it
includes other private and public retirement saving schemes.
New Zealand’s figure is on a par with countries such
as Canada, the UK and the USA, but considerably below
countries such as Australia, Chile, Finland and the
Table 2: Funded Pension
as Percentage of
Country 2009 2010 2011
8.43 7.65 7.49
0.37 0.43 ..
0.39 0.37 0.39
3.25 2.82 2.91
3.89 3.90 3.65
Czech Republic
0.85 0.84 0.85
0.55 0.55 0.53
6.89 6.80 5.14
9.75 9.71 9.62
0.05 0.05 ..
0.44 0.48 0.30
0.01 0.01 0.01
1.68 1.30 0.31
6.60 7.05 6.34
2.05 2.20 2.42
0.58 0.58 0.58
0.28 .. 0.81
1.17 0.85 0.23
0.95 0.97 0.95
5.31 4.85 4.93
New Zealand
1.90 2.36 2.28
0.51 0.44 0.44
1.61 1.64 1.04
0.59 0.47 0.71
6.23 1.60 1.29
Slovenia 0.42 0.36 0.40
0.56 0.51 0.46
8.37 8.56 8.41
.. 0.86 0.96
United Kingdom
2.70 3.14 ..
United States
3.80 .. ..
OECD StatExtracts. Funded pensions exclude Pay As You Go
Where is Our Money
Tables 3 and 4 present some
information on the existing sizes of managed funds and their
portfolio composition. By March 2012 KiwiSaver assets had
risen to $12.5 billion. In 2009 all funds except KiwiSaver
funds lost ground, but since then have largely managed to
hold their position, with the exception of life insurance
Table 3: Managed Fund Assets
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
insurance 7,321 6,302 6,195 5,842 5,903
KiwiSaver 752 2,725 5,776 8,970 12,503
superannuation 21,162 16,597 19,666 20,518 20,304
trusts & GIFs 17,595 14,772 16,710 16,582 15,678
funds managed 18,990 18,612 19,942 19,982 20,174
assets 65,819 59,008 68,289 71,894 74,562
Table 4:
Managed Fund Assets by Product, March 2012
Zealand Overseas
Interest* Equities Property Other Fixed
Interest Equities Other
insurance 3,186 648 264 17 603 1,184 2
KiwiSaver 4,863 1,195 332 4 2,202 3,713 193
super. 4,299 1,961 629 44 4,946 7,678 748
Unit trusts &
GIFs 6,435 1,332 649 41 2,142 4,523 556
Other funds
10,730 3,304 458 52 390 5,175 67
assets 29,513 8,440 2,332 158 10,283 22,273 1,566
deposits and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities
terms of the investment mix in 2012, the majority of managed
fund assets, 53% by value, are held in the form of fixed
interest securities and related products. About 41% is
invested in equities. For KiwiSaver funds the equity
proportion is marginally lower at 39%. The New Zealand
proportion of this is also lower than for all managed funds.
Thus at this stage there is little to suggest that KiwiSaver
funds are having a disproportionate effect on the supply of
savings to the domestic stock market. In part this reflects
the fact that the default funds have to be invested
conservatively, which inevitably means a higher proportion
in bonds and cash. However, the composition may change over
time as the funds’ growth eventually over-rides the
initial displacement effect on other types of saving and
KiwiSavers opt into more growth-focussed investment options.
We look at this below.
Stock Market
Capitalisation and GDP
Figure 2 shows stock
market capitalisation as a percentage of GDP for Australia
and New Zealand. The Australian equivalent of KiwiSaver,
the Superannuation Guarantee, started in 1992 at a low
contribution rate, but with compulsory coverage. The
contribution rate is now 9% and will rise to 12% in future.
The different paths are startling, with a large
divergence occurring from about 1997. The Australian SAYGO
scheme has likely contributed to this. Allen Consulting
state that the proportion of Australian equities held by
superannuation funds grew from 8.5% in 1998 to 16.5% in
2007, rising to an estimated 29% of total market
capitalisation of the ASX in 2009-10.
Figure 2:
Stock Market Capitalisation as % of GDP
Source: World Bank
A larger pool of domestic savings,
with retirement savings at the core, will enhance the
ability of the economy to withstand negative external shocks
such as the recent (and ongoing) global financial crisis
(GFC). With regard to Australia Allen Consulting (op cit)
Australia’s mature superannuation industry played
a key role in helping firms maintain funding and liquidity
during the height of the crisis. A key part of the financial
crisis was the withdrawal of liquidity in overseas debt
markets. During that time Australian companies were able to
raise equity in Australian capital markets largely thanks to
off-market purchases substantially funded by superannuation
Clearly one cannot attribute all of Australia’s
relatively good economic performance, both during the GFC
and more generally over the last two decades, to compulsory
retirement saving (and indeed Allen Consulting do not), but
there is no disputing that countries with a low pool of
domestic savings are more exposed to contractions in
international capital markets and may face a higher cost of
capital due to home country bias – whereby investors
normally desire a higher return to invest outside of their
own domestic market.
More generally, given a degree of
home country bias in investment portfolios, coupled with a
change in the composition of savings towards longer term
investment horizons, superannuation savings provide better
alignment with corporate and public funding needs. Again
from Allen Consulting:
Australians’ superannuation is
invested in many different types of asset classes, but
especially in corporate equities (on the Australian stock
exchange) and bonds.
Australian superannuation is also
playing an increasingly important role in funding public
infrastructure investment across Australia.
do KiwiSaver Funds Go?
First home
As noted above, KiwiSaver balances
cannot be withdrawn before age 65 except in cases of
permanent departure from New Zealand, to make a deposit on a
first home, or in cases of severe hardship or death.
2012 $57m was withdrawn from KiwiSaver funds for first home
purchases, probably representing at least 10,000 buyers.
At an average capital value of say $300,000 (as there are
maximum values of $300,000 and $400,000 depending on
location, for eligibility for such withdrawals) the total
capital value of properties that were purchased through
leveraging of KiwiSaver savings was some $3 billion. Of
course how much of this would have occurred without
KiwiSaver is not known, but in times of tighter bank lending
it presumably facilitates home ownership for first home
Equity investment
A number
of KiwiSaver providers who are members of FSC have acted on
the lower redemption risk of KiwiSaver savings by supporting
longer term equity investments in companies such as Bathurst
Resources, Fletcher Building, Freightways, Metlifecare,
Mighty River Power, Nuplex, Pacific Edge, Scott Technology,
Skellerup Holdings, Sky City and Tourism Holdings. (More
information is provided in Appendix A). These investments
include unlisted entities that have the potential for rapid
growth in both exports and employment.
Stepping Up KiwiSaver Contribution Rates and Coverage would
Mean for Investment.
Coleman (2006) argues
that the important aspect of a Save As You Go (SAYGO) scheme
for retirement savings is that it produces a pool of savings
– a stock of assets – that produces an annual return.
We look at three KiwiSaver scenarios and their possible
effects on the national savings pool - the Funds Under
1. No Change: Continuation of existing
KiwiSaver. The current average contribution rate is about
5%, but in 2013 the minimum contribution rate will rise to
6% (3+3), implying an average total contribution rate of
about 6.5%. The percentage of the population participating
remains at about 50% and the annual average government
contribution is $550 per member (based on current
2. Option A: As in the No Change scenario except
that the contribution rate for existing contributors rises
by 1 percentage point per annum from 2015 up to 10%
3. Option B: Universal coverage of people aged
25-64, other assumptions as above, except new members begin
with a contribution rate of 1% in 2015 rising to 10% in 2024
in annual steps of 1%. Contribution rates of existing
KiwiSaver members do not rise until the contribution rate
for new members has reached the same level. For example an
existing member with a contribution rate of 6.0% will not
see an increase to 7% until 2021 when the rate for new
members will have risen to 7%. See Figure
Figure 3: Total Contribution Rates under Option
For modelling purposes we adopt the 6.5%
average for existing members and we assume that 20% of
earners are exempted for various reasons, which is somewhat
conservative – see box below on the Australian
Superannuation Guarantee. Other modelling assumptions
• Rate of return after taxes and fees is 3% pa.
• Labour productivity increase is 1.5% pa. (Whilst
this is consistent with the assumptions used in long term
modelling by Treasury, it is somewhat higher than the 1.1%,
40 year historical average calculated by Treasury. The
1.5% productivity assumption used here is consistent with
that used in the FSC’s earlier work (op cit) on the
relative benefits of SAYGO versus PAYGO funding for
pensions, where it was used to show that the findings would
be robust under more testing assumptions. The assumption
has the effect of understating the accumulation benefit of
SAYGO relative to PAYGO).
• Population growth is the
SNZ ‘Very Low Mortality’ scenario.
under the Australian Superannuation
The Australian Superannuation
Guarantee although compulsory, has a number of exemptions,
notably for employees who earn below the tax free threshold
and for self employed people who are not remunerated through
wages and salaries. According to ABS (2009) in 2007 91% of
employed people had superannuation coverage, although this
corresponds to a lower 71% of people aged 15 and over.
Based on the HILDA survey, Connolly (2007) estimates
that 6.5% of households do not have a member with compulsory
pension contributions.
More recently, in ASFA (2012)
the proportion of workers (wage and salary earners and the
self-employed) with no superannuation coverage is estimated
at 16.5% in 2009/10. This proportion seems to be based on
tax data so would exclude some non-earners. On the other
hand, it is probably a snapshot so would include people who
had no contributions in that particular year, but may have
had contributions in other years.
Figure 4 and Table 5
show the projected paths for the growth of Funds Under
Management for the three scenarios. Under Option B Funds
Under Management would be larger than GDP by the mid 2030s
and up to almost 150% of GDP by 2066.
We might expect a
proportionately larger stock market capitalisation as a
result. Based on feedback from three FSC KiwiSaver
providers the average proportion that would be allocated to
domestic equities in a balanced fund is projected to be
about 13%, slightly higher than the current proportion of
around 10%. See Table 6. It is difficult to say, however,
whether the shift is primarily attributable to greater
access to long term savings or to the rebalancing of
portfolios that can be expected as the GFC abates.
Figure 4: Accumulation of FUM
Table 5: FUM and GDP Projections*
Year Funds
Management GDP %GDP
Change Option A
1%/yr &
existing voluntary participation Option B
1%/yr &
coverage** Option
2012 13 13 13 202 6%
2016 22 22 22 241 9%
2026 80 104 125 293 43%
2036 146 203 286 355 81%
2046 216 310 469 436 107%
2056 266 389 616 527 117%
2066 312 457 731 624 117%
Excluding any savings held by those over 65. Figures may
change as scenarios are refined with more information on
existing KiwiSaver balances. We assume that the typical
portfolio in the future is a balanced rather than a
conservative fund. The rate of return after taxes and fees
is assumed to be 3% pa.
** We assume that 80% of the
workforce participates in KiwiSaver under the universal
Option B scenario.
Nevertheless, assuming 95% of the 13%
would be channelled into listed equities, the addition to
the market capitalisation of the New Zealand stock market in
2066 under the various scenario can be estimated. See Table
Option B would inject an extra $90 billion into the
New Zealand stock market, equivalent to 14.5% of GDP, and
compared to the current capitalisation of the stock market
at about 30-40% of GDP – refer Figure 2. The incremental
effect of Option B over the No Change scenario is
approximately $52 billion, equivalent to 8.3% of GDP in
2066. It would also mean an extra $3 billion or so
available for investment in unlisted entities, growing
companies that are expected to list within the next five
An analogous calculation for debt capital yields
an increment of $67 billion between the No Change and Option
B scenarios.
Thus the growth of KiwiSaver balances from
increased contributions at 10% of income and universal
coverage would provide a significant boost to the amount of
capital available for investment in New Zealand companies,
including those that have the greatest potential for
exporting and providing employment, and for boosting incomes
through raising the productivity of labour.
6: Composition of FUM under Expanded
Zealand Overseas
Interest Equities Property Fixed
Interest Equities Other
in 2012 38.9% 9.6% 2.7% 17.6% 29.7% 1.5%
Projected under
Option B
7: Impact of FUM on NZ Stock Market in 2066
billion % of GDP
2012 1.2 0.6%
Change 39 6.2%
Option A 56 9.0%
B 90 14.5%
Previous sections looked at the
accumulated pool or stock of savings. It is important not to
confuse the stock of savings with the annual rate of saving
(measured as a percent of GDP). While the saving rate shows
our propensity to save in any given year, it will vary over
time as the age structure of the population changes. It is
the stock of savings that determines levels of productive
Law et al (2011) find that 64% of saving
going into KiwiSaver is displacing other forms of saving.
Thus KiwSaver has probably increased total household saving.
Westpac ( 2012) show a rise in household saving levels
since the beginning of KiwiSaver in 2007, but do not
specifically attribute it to KiwiSaver.
Law et al also
note that the effect of KiwiSaver on national saving levels
(i.e. household, business and government saving combined) to
date has been marginal at best and could be negative, a
result driven largely by the cost of KiwiSaver to the
government which is currently being financed by borrowing.
Over the longer term the picture could be different. In
Australia a SAYGO scheme for retirement saving began in July
1992 with a mandated 3% contribution rate, which has since
risen to 9% and will reach 12% in future. Connolly (op cit)
finds a net increase in household net wealth (i.e. assets
including savings less liabilities such as mortgages). Is
there any evidence of macroeconomic impacts, particularly
compared to the New Zealand situation?
The graphs below
compare national saving, investment and the external current
account balance in the two countries.
Without the
benefit of any econometric analysis, we make a number of
1. Figure 5: Saving rates in Australia have
always been somewhat higher as a share of GDP than in New
Zealand. However, the gap seems to have started widening
since about 2006. With an aging population and higher
proportion of the population heading into retirement, one
would expect a lift in New Zealand’s saving rate over the
next 20 years, perhaps followed by a longer term drop as
retirees start to cash-up their investments.
2. Figure 5:
The introduction of compulsory saving in Australia in 1992
does not seem to have brought about a marked increase in the
national saving rate, although it arrested the previous
decline. Volatility is less than in New Zealand.
3. Figure 5: Consistent with Law et al (2011), there is
no evidence of KiwiSaver causing a lift in New Zealand’s
national saving rate to date, although of course in the
absence of KiwiSaver there might have been even lower
Figure 5: National Savings/GDP for
Australia and New Zealand
Source: SNZ and
Figure 6: Current Account Balance/GDP for
Australia and New Zealand
Source: SNZ and
4. Figure 6: The current account balance (CAB) is an
indicator of the extent to which domestic savings are
funding domestic investment in capital stock. A deficit
implies a reliance on foreign savings to make up the
difference . Apart from the mid 1980s and the period
2006-2009, the current account balances (CAB) as a share of
GDP of the two countries have been very similar.
5. Figure 6: There is no clear effect of compulsory
retirement saving on Australia’s CAB. Perhaps compulsory
saving prevented an even bigger decline in Australia’s CAB
during the 2006-2009, but one would want to test this theory
against other explanations.
6. Figure 6: With good terms
of trade, a reasonably competitive exchange rate (on a TWI
basis), weak domestic demand, and generally favourable
growing conditions, a healthier New Zealand CAB over recent
years might have been expected. Beyond 2012, as the New
Zealand economy sees more economic growth it will be
interesting to see whether its balance of payments
deteriorates faster than the Australian balance of payments.
Figure 7: Investment/GDP for Australia and New
Source: SNZ and ABS
7. Figure 7:
As with saving rates, investment as a proportion of GDP has
almost always been higher in Australia than in New Zealand,
although the difference has increased since 2006.
summary, the data seems not to support the hypothesis that
compulsory SAYGO saving in Australia has consistently raised
either national saving rates or national investment rates
when compared to New Zealand, nor has it improved the
current account balance, although the marginal effects of
the different schemes could be hidden by other influences on
saving and investment. Econometric analysis is required to
untangle such compounding effects.
However, as mentioned
above, Coleman (op cit) argues that the key aspect of a
SAYGO scheme is not the national rate of saving (which with
an evenly aged population distribution may be zero, even
under SAYGO), but the size of the stock of assets. This is
where the Australian SAYGO scheme has likely had an effect;
producing a pool of savings that affects the composition of
Investment, in new capital (not the trading
of second hand assets such as land and existing houses),
increases the productivity of labour and raise incomes. How
this has affected different rates of growth in GDP per
capita in Australia and New Zealand merits further research.
Finance Industry (ANZSIC06
Industry K)
The tables below present an overview
of the Finance industry. Where possible it is disaggregated
into its component sub-industries.
Table 8 shows that the
industry’s value-added accounts for about 6.5% of gross
domestic product (GDP) for the four years 2006-2009. Later
data is not available. The Banking sub-industry is easily
the largest part of the industry, but Australian data
suggests that this may change with an enlarged KiwiSaver
Table 8: Contribution to Gross Domestic
Product ($m)
year ended
March 2006 2007 2008 2009
Banking & finance
6,955 7,445 8,287 8,457
Insurance and superannuation
funds 1,606 1,812 1,906 1,907
Auxiliary finance and
insurance services 1,449 1,520 1,693 1,821
finance industry
10,011 10,777 11,886 12,185
product 160,594 168,374 183,416 184,600
Ratio 6.23% 6.40% 6.48% 6.60%
SNZ National Accounts
More information for a 2006/07
snapshot is given in Table 9. The value-added figures are
different than in Table 8 due to a different treatment of
indirectly measured financial services. The gross output of
the industry, which represents revenue from fees charged for
services as well as income earned from the difference
between lending rates and borrowing rates, is roughly double
value-added. Labour costs account for about 40% of
value-added, with the rest constituting a return to capital
and indirect taxes.
Table 9: Finance Industry
Compensation of
Employees Value-Added
($m) (%) ($m) (%) ($m) (%)
Banking and
financing; financial asset
insurance 93 2.2 318 3.2 1,077 6.1
Health and general
1,928 10.9
funds 5 0.0 12 0.0 275 1.6
Auxiliary finance and
Total 4,090 100.0 9,952 100.0 17,657 100.0
Source: SNZ
Inter-industry study 2006/07
In 2006/07 the superannuation
industry was a very small part of the wider Finance
industry, but the advent of KiwiSaver is likely to have
raised its share substantially, and this may rise still
further under an expanded KiwiSaver scheme.
is shown in Table 10. As a share of national employment
Finance accounts for about 2.7%, which is well below the
industry’s share of GDP – less than half in fact,
implying relatively high labour productivity.
The New
Zealand Financial Services industry employs some 59,000
people on implied average incomes of nearly $70,000 (Tables
9 and 10) and adds more value per employee than the average
for other industries.
Table 10: Employment
year ended
March 2009 2010 2011 2012
31.8 31.4 31.7 32.1
Insurance and superannuation funds
9.5 9,5 10.0 10.0
Auxiliary finance and insurance
services 17,1 16.6 16.1 17.1
Total finance
industry 58.5 57.5 57.8 59.3
Total all
economy 2,171.4 2,111.9 2,130.4 2,185.4
Ratio 2.69% 2.72% 2.72% 2.71%
SNZ and Infometrics calculations
As noted in Section 2, a number of KiwiSaver providers have acted on the lower redemption risk of KiwiSaver savings by supporting longer term investments.
Mercers identified the following areas
of investment from KiwiSaver balances:
• Assisting
companies to access capital through their equity market
recapitalisations, especially during the early part of the
• Taking up IPO offers when they are sold
• Taking up offers when they are
• Fixed interest investment in councils
throughout New Zealand.
Mercers’ fund managers have
invested in Bathurst Resources, a West Coast based mining
company, and Pacific Edge (development and commercialisation
of diagnostic and prognostic tools for cancer), based in
Dunedin. These are both exporters that might not be able to
grow as rapidly without external capital.
identified the following investments:
• Freightways:
Express package service ad complementary business
• Fletcher Building: Manufacturer of building
material and construction.
• Fisher & Paykel
Appliances: Appliance manufacturer.
• Nuplex:
Manufacture of polymer resins and distribution of raw
materials to the chemical, plastics, general industrial,
food and pharmaceutical sectors.
• Sky City
Entertainment: Entertainment and gaming, casino
• Trade Me: On line auction
• Turners Auctions: Vehicle and other
• Metlifecare: Retirement villages and old
age care
• DNZ Property Fund: Management and
development of commercial property assets
• Fonterra:
Co-operatively owned dairy production and products
• Mighty River Power: Electricity generation
and retailing
• New Plymouth District
• Hutt City Council
• Hamilton City
• Dunedin City Council
Tower noted a number
or examples of less liquid, longer term equity
• Scott Technology: Scott
Technology is a smaller and sometimes overlooked engineering
firm listed on the NZX. Research and analysis identified
Scott Technology as a mid-cap growth stock, one poised in
favourable industries to achieve exceptional levels of
growth over the medium to long term. We believe that Scott
Technology will be able to reap handsome rewards from its
extended period of investment into diversifying its
automation business across meat and dairy processing,
mineral testing, and industrial processes, not to mention
its foray into products aimed at the high temperature
semiconductor industry. We participated in a rights issue,
providing the company with new capital to invest into a
Chinese production facility, and have become a substantial
equity owner.
• Skellerup Holdings: Skellerup Holdings is a manufacturer of agricultural and industrial rubber products. After a pummelling from the global financial crisis struck the firm’s heavily leveraged overseas expansion plans hard, it slashed debt, successfully turned its industrial division around, and identified multiple business opportunities in the United States. While its share price will be susceptible to economic concerns we are able to invest for the long term growth in its high value added technology segments.
• Tourism Holdings: Tourism holding is New Zealand’s largest camper van operator. It also operates one of New Zealand’s most famous tourist destinations, Waitomo Caves. Reduced demand for camper vans as a result of the GFC has resulted in Tourism Holdings struggling recently. We identified Tourism Holdings as a long term value opportunity as, while the industry might shrink, there will be a place for an efficient operator of camper vans. We became a substantial equity holder and have spent time with the Board and management. Our support has allowed them to consolidate the industry, buying Kea and United and allow the combined entity to be a much stronger entity.