Broadband Speed in NZ Grows with New Technology adoption
Broadband Speed Report:
Speeds Ahead With New
TrueNet's research uncovers the influence that new technology has on fixed line broadband in New Zealand with average speeds rising to a 6.5% increase on the same time last year.
In January 2012, TrueNet was a new company measuring Broadband performance by placing probes (bridged routers) in volunteers’ homes and businesses. For more than a year these probes have measured hourly, the speed of their connection.
The chart below shows that more than half of TrueNet's probes report speeds greater than 10Mbps.
The average peak connection speed of TrueNet’s fixed line probes in January 2013 was measured at 11.5Mbps. This compares favourably with the average 2012 speed of 10.8Mbps. The distribution of speeds shows that the major technology of ADSL2+ dominates performance in both years, but some distinct changes are happening.