Where To Next for Kapiti Coast Airport?
Where To Next for Kapiti Coast Airport?
Residents from Porirua, the Kapiti Coast through to Levin will soon have the chance to have their say on the direction of their local airport.
Kapiti Coast
Airport is launching a survey tool to ask residents what
they think of existing facilities and destinations, as well
as additional offerings they would like to see.
Using an
online survey tool, residents will be asked about their
existing knowledge of airport services, their satisfaction
with those services, and what they want in the
“We have a great airport here in Paraparaumu
and we know it is well supported by people across the
region,” says Kapiti Coast Airport Manager Jason
“People love the fact that it’s close to home, it doesn’t have issues with commuter traffic and the terminal we’ve created is attractive, efficient and easy to use for travellers.
“We want to find out what additional destinations people would like to access from Kapiti. This survey is our opportunity to listen to our customers so we can plan our next steps.
Kapiti Coast Airport is guided by a 30-year aviation plan. More than $5 million has been invested in improvements such as Civil Aviation Authority certification, resealing, remarking and new circling approach lights for the main runway, a new passenger terminal, fencing and signage upgrades, and appointment of a full-time airport manager.
The airport is supported by the development of the adjacent Kapiti Landing business and retail park. The result has been an increase in services, such as the popular daily Air New Zealand flight to Auckland.
“Kapiti Coast Airport’s success is supported by the success of Kapiti Landing, and vice versa. We know people up and down the Coast value the airport and we appreciate their on-going backing.
they didn’t use it, we wouldn’t invest in it and we need
their on-going support. Now we want to know what they think
should happen next,” says Mr Russell.
The Kapiti Coast
Airport survey is supported by the Kapiti Coast District
Council and the Porirua City Council. Residents can fill
out the survey from today and it will remain open until 10pm
on Friday May 10 2013.
There will be links to the survey on the web sites for both councils, or by visiting www.kapiticoastairport.co.nz