Statement Regarding ‘Campbell Live’
Wednesday 24 April, 2013
Statement Regarding ‘Campbell
We understand Judge Roy Wade has
expressed concerns about a Campbell Live story about
Tracy Gwendoline Hibberd which was broadcast on 16 May,
We have yet to receive any communication from Judge Wade on this matter, however, because the Judge’s comments are being reported in other media it is appropriate to make the following statement.
The Campbell Live story referred to by Judge Wade ran well before this matter was before a court. At the time, Campbell Live reporter Mihingarangi Forbes invited the College to put its side of the story as part of the report and the College declined and when asked if the diploma was a fake, the College declined to confirm or deny.
The report did not endorse either side of the story - the comment from John Campbell’s introduction to the story “she showed us her diploma – looks legit to us” was simply a way of saying there was nothing obviously fake about the diploma’s appearance.
The story specifically asked the question whether the diploma was valid and pointed out there was a police investigation underway.
We were not in court when the Judge made his comments this morning, and had no prior notice of his concerns. We will respond promptly to any communication from the Judge following its receipt.