TrueNet April Monthly Report
First Look at UFB Performance with Orcon
Fibre performance from the UFB rollout is reported for the first time with TrueNet having a good sample of Orcon UFB connections.
Overall Performance
UFB is an alternative to the standard ADSL service that all ISPs offer, and is best compared with Cable and VDSL services. Orcon's 100Mbps service is significantly better than either VDSL or Cable, while its 30Mbps service is a little better than both VDSL and Cable.
Webpage Downloads
Only UFB Fibre provides a consistent technology for webpage downloads, with both Orcon's services achieving excellent results. VDSL performance is significantly better than ADSL with Snap and Voyager beating TrueNet targets, while only Snapachieves better than 95% in ADSL. Telecom's ADSL is very close, only dropping below the 95% after 3pm.