CCDU Market Update: Tenders For Bus Interchange
Market Update #11
May 10, 2013
For Immediate Release
Quotes are being sought from companies for project management, quantity surveying and development of a business case as the planning for Christchurch’s new Bus Interchange moves ahead.
The Bus Interchange is one of the anchor projects in the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan. It proposes a single centralised facility in the block bounded by Tuam, Colombo and Lichfield Streets and SOL Square, to provide the operational and administrative hub for the bus network in the city.
A Request for Quote (RFQ) has been sent out to an established panel of companies with expertise in each of the fields of project management, quantity surveying and business case advice. Responses must be in by today for consideration.
Following the engagement of these initial consultants, further consultants with relevant expertise in other fields will be sought for the development of a detailed design brief for the Bus Interchange.
The detailed design brief and business case are due to be completed in the next few months.
The Bus Interchange project involves the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, the Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, the New Zealand Transport Agency and the private sector.