Call for Independent Enquiry into Kiwifruit Industry
Call for Independent Enquiry into Kiwifruit
1. Background
1.1 IKGA Members have been
asked by Growers for their opinion on industry issues and in
particular the China Customs investigation following the
decision of the Shanghai Court on Tuesday 17th July. This
follows on from recent articles in the Farmers Weekly and
The National Business Review of Friday 17 May 2013 and The
Sunday Star Times on Sunday 19 and 20th May 2013. Growers
have also called us in response to letters to Growers from
the Chairman of Zespri, Mr McBride, dated 20 May 2013 and
his letter to Zespri Shareholders dated 12 July 2013.
2. Call for Independent Government Enquiry
2.1 IKGA
notes that Mr McBride comments in his letters to Growers and
Zespri Shareholders that matters affecting the industry
should be openly put to the industry and debated. We agree
that all Growers should be able to have their voice heard.
We do not agree, however, that it is possible for Growers to
have a clean debate under the current structure of the
Kiwifruit industry which we refer to as the KKK being the
great Kiwifruit Klobbering Klub which monopolises
information and attempts to shut down dissent and
2.2 For that reason, we support calls for an independent enquiry into the whole industry structure including NZKGI (which Growers have to pay compulsory levies to), KNZ (which Growers fund via Zespri), KVH ( which we consider to be a de-facto arm of Zespri) and of course Zespri itself which is in a privileged position because all Kiwifruit Growers are compelled to supply Zespri whether shareholders or not. There are also other reasons why an independent enquiry is necessary which are covered in the following paragraphs.
3. Mitigating Zespri Monopoly
Powers – Grower Protection Not Working
3.1 Growers are
compelled by law to supply Zespri for export of kiwifruit to
markets other than Australia and New Zealand. The
regulations have a number of measures which were intended to
protect Growers from the abuse of these monopoly powers.
The regulations state that these measures are designed
(a) Encourage innovation;
(b) Promote efficient
pricing signals;
(c) Provide appropriate protection for
Zespri shareholders and suppliers;
(d) Promote sustained
downward pressure on Zespri’s costs.
3.2 We see no evidence that these mitigation measures are working. It is notable that since 1999 there has been no review of the regulations despite the concerns of the Producer Board Reform team.
3.3 It is not possible to see how the mitigation measures can work when KNZ shares the same offices as Zespri and the same common facilities. Furthermore , the Board of KNZ consists of a majority of producer-elected representatives who themselves either personally or through related parties are both Zespri Growers and shareholders, particularly growers of Zespri’s own kiwifruit varieties. Given this fact it is difficult to understand how KNZ can either promote downward pressure on Zespri’s costs or provide appropriate protection for Growers. Put simply, the majority of the Board of KNZ are conflicted and subject to allegations of bias by reason of their interests and associations with Zespri as well as their public comments. There is nothing in the regulations that limits KNZ from setting out requirements for eligibility for election as directors which would disqualify candidates for election who have any direct or indirect interests in Zespri. This does not happen.
4. Government
and the Public have an Interest
4.1 The kiwifruit
industry and kiwifruit growers are subject to government
imposed regulations. The industry is also the beneficiary
of Government funding. This has come in two forms recently.
The first was the $25 million contributed to Kiwifruit Vine
Health in response to the PSA Biosecurity incursion.
Secondly, Zespri has a partnership with Plant & Food
Research which is part-funded to the extent of $35.7 million
dollars by the Government for redevelopment of new
varieties. It is, therefore, quite wrong for Mr McBride to
suggest that the China fiasco or any of the other matters
affecting growers are simply industry only matters which
should be debated solely behind closed doors within the
industry. We have learned as have many of our members that
this approach does not work and , more to the point, cannot
work under the current industry structure.
5. KNZ & KVH
5.1 KNZ has a dismal track
record of improving grower wealth through collaborative
marketing. It also has a dismal record of approving
non-zespri owned kiwifruit varieties for collaborative
marketing on any basis that is commercially realistic for a
variety owner. That is hardly suprising given the inherent
bias of KNZ Directors in favour of Zespri and its public
good funded kiwifruit varieties.
5.2 This means NZ
Kiwifruit Growers are subject to the varieties and genetic
information in one breeding program. The most likely place
for a highly PSA tolerant or resistant variety to come from
is Asia, particularly China. No offshore variety owner in
their right mind would seek to commercialise in NZ so these
varieties will be ( and are being ) planted in South America
and South Africa to provide Southern Hemisphere supply of
their varieties. That includes plantings of other NZ bred
non- zespri kiwifruit varieties. Growers there seem to think
they have commercial potential even if Zespri and KNZ want
to deny NZ growers the opportunity to grow them in
preference to Zespri’s own varieties.
5.3 KVH are, in
our view, a de-facto Zespri subsidiary. Their research and
science program appears to be largely contracted to Zespri.
They have a scientific oversight committee that is neither a
committee nor does it provide oversight. They appear to
have a myopic focus on applying copper and we see no
evidence of any research effort into combing the world for
commercially viable PSA resistant or tolerant kiwifruit
varieties. Their “science” programme appears to be more
concerned with protecting Zespri’s proprietary kiwifruit
varieties and building themselves an empire funded by
compulsory levies on growers.
6. NZKGI is
6.1 NZKGI also shares offices and facilities
with Zespri. We do not consider they perform an effective
watchdog role on behalf of Growers. Their enquiry into the
China situation is, in our view, a case in point. We
confidently predict that it will be a whitewash. We suggest
that they take a look at the Fonterra Shareholders Council.
7. Concluding Comments
7.1 We do want to say that
there are some good people in Zespri who do their best for
Growers. The employee who has spoken to the Sunday Star
Times is to be congratulated for speaking out. Director
candidate Tom Wilson is also to be commended for his courage
to speak out against Zespri.IKGA would encourage other
employees who are sitting on information about the way
Zespri KNZ & KGI conduct their activities do business to
contact us in confidence. We also support calls made for an
enquiry into the industry by Labour Party Agriculture
Spokesmen Damien O’Connor and the ACT Party.
Ross Hart 021
025 39882 or 5495644
Chris Dunn 027 481 7900 or
Information about IKGA
• IKGA was established
in May 2010 by a group of concerned kiwifruit
• IKGA aims to provide an independent voice
for kiwifruit growers because it has no confidence in the
ability of KNZ or NZKGI to act as effective watchdogs on the
activities of Zespri.
• IKGA believes there are
questions that are not being asked about the activities of
Zespri, the way it operates and how grower funds are dealt
with by Zespri.
• IKGA is concerned that Zespri has
become another corporate and lacks proper accountability to