Vital Independent Director nomination closing date
27 September 2013
Vital Independent Director nomination closing date
Vital Healthcare Management Limited (the “Manager”), the manager of Vital Healthcare Property Trust would like to advise that the annual meeting of unitholders of Vital Healthcare Property Trust will be held on Tuesday 12 November 2013 in Auckland, at a time and venue to be advised.
Nominations for Independent Director of the Manager, to be voted on at the annual meeting, are being sought by the Manager.
At the annual meeting of unitholders there will be the opportunity for unitholders to vote for one Independent Director with the nominee who receives the most votes from unitholders being nominated for appointment as an Independent Director. Graeme Horsley is the existing Independent Director who, under the terms of the Trust Deed, will be retiring by rotation and being eligible for election has confirmed he will be standing for re-election.
Can only be made by unitholders who are entitled to attend and vote at the annual meeting and by the Manager;
Must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of the person nominated together with brief biographical details of the nominee’s experience; and
Must be received by Friday 11 October 2013.
Please send nominations to:-
Company Secretary
Vital Healthcare Management Limited
PO Box 6945
Wellesley Street
Auckland 1141.
– ENDS -