Amalgamation Only Sensible Option
Media Release
12 November 2013
Amalgamation Only Sensible Option
Property Council’s Waikato branch is pleased with Local Government Commission’s (LGC) proposal to unify Northland’s four councils into a single unitary authority for the region.
The branch recognises this as the most sensible step towards efficient governance of the country’s smaller areas that are overburdened with multiple local councils.
It applauds the significant reduction in bureaucracy to suggest only two councils between Pokeno and Cape Reinga which cover a significant geographical distance in their region.
An important incentive behind Far North’s amalgamation calls is Kaipara’s huge debt problem. Again, this reiterates the benefits of amalgamation in such areas.
This should serve as a wakeup call to the councils in Waikato who are still reluctant to merge when it is clearly in the interests of their rate payers on more than just a few fronts.
Thomas Gibbons, chairman of Waikato Branch’s Amalgamation Sub-Committee, says with reducing populations in many of Waikato’s towns, amalgamation is the only viable option for them also.
“Amalgamating will save the Far North, as it will save Waikato by procuring of services, reducing the number of mayors and councillors, preventing duplication of services and controlling and reducing debt,” said Mr Gibbons.
There are currently 150 mayors and councillors in Waikato which contribute to the unsustainable and unnecessary maintenance costs for the region.
As with the Far North, amalgamating Waikato will lead to better economic and social achievements by unifying planning, growth and debt reduction.