Work on water quality ignored
21 November 2013
Work on water quality ignored
The range of work underway on freshwater quality is significant, says BusinessNZ.
Commenting on the water quality report released today by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, BusinessNZ chief executive Phil O’Reilly said there was widespread participation in many water initiatives around the country.
“Standard setting under the National Policy Statement on Freshwater, regional water management strategies, the work of the Land and Water Forum, large scale stock fencing work under the Water Accord and other initiatives are all aimed at improving and safeguarding our precious freshwater.
“The work across industry, agriculture and communities on planning, action and accountability for water quality in New Zealand is huge.
“So it is disappointing to see this ignored or condemned by some in the wake of the Commissioner’s report.
“All New Zealanders want the best water quality possible and the industrial, agricultural and community value it supports.
“Condemning or ignoring water management work being undertaken undermines the significant work that is being done.”